Evaluation technique for the efficiency of the exhaust air heat recovery systems
DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2020‑19‑3-21-26
UDC 697.9
Muraveinikov S.S. , Sulin A.B., Igor V. Baranov, Ryabova T.V.
Keywords: ventilation and air conditioning systems, heat recovery, heat pump, performance regulation, technical and economic analysis, annual average characteristics.
UDC 697.9
Evaluation technique for the efficiency of the exhaust air heat recovery systems
For citation: Muraveinikov S.S., Sulin A.B., Baranov I.V., Ryabova T.V. Evaluation technique for the efficiency of the exhaust air heat
recovery systems. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2020. No 3. p. 21–26.
This article describes the methodology of technical and economic evaluation of active heat exchangers. The technique is designed to assess the energy characteristics of active utilizers under conditions that differ from the passport values.The influence of deviation of such operational factors as air consumption, outdoor temperature in front of the utilizer, the temperature and humidity of the exhaust air is considered. The method takes into account the operating mode involving the heating of the external air before being fed into the room without affecting the air-cooling mode in the warm season. Coefficients of renewability and economic efficiency are proposed as criteria for comparing active and passive heat recovery devices. The proposed criteria make it possible to evaluate the efficiency of using recycling systems both in energy and in financial terms.
This article describes the methodology of technical and economic evaluation of active heat exchangers. The technique is designed to assess the energy characteristics of active utilizers under conditions that differ from the passport values.The influence of deviation of such operational factors as air consumption, outdoor temperature in front of the utilizer, the temperature and humidity of the exhaust air is considered. The method takes into account the operating mode involving the heating of the external air before being fed into the room without affecting the air-cooling mode in the warm season. Coefficients of renewability and economic efficiency are proposed as criteria for comparing active and passive heat recovery devices. The proposed criteria make it possible to evaluate the efficiency of using recycling systems both in energy and in financial terms.
Keywords: ventilation and air conditioning systems, heat recovery, heat pump, performance regulation, technical and economic analysis, annual average characteristics.