A method for the calculation of parameters for vacuum evaporation unit to make binary ice by means of drop crystallization
DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2020‑19‑3-39-43
UDC 621.56
Kruglov A. A., Tazitdinov R.R.
Keywords: binary ice, vacuum-evaporation unit, drop freezing, method of calculation.
UDC 621.56
A method for the calculation of parameters for vacuum evaporation unit to make binary ice by means of drop crystallization
For citation: Kruglov A. A., Tazitdinov R. A method for the calculation of parameters for vacuum evaporation unit to make binary ice by
means of drop crystallization. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2020. No 3. p. 39–43.
The article describes an operation principle for a vacuum-evaporation unit for binary ice making by means of drop crystallization. A method of calculation for the unit is presented. The equations for drop dispersion evaluation in spray cone and for spray surface area are considered. A model ow water ice formation in spray cone under the pressure below triple point, which takes into account heat and mass transfer during drop evaporation, is presented. Mass transfer equation includes the diffusion coefficient for vapor. A mathematical model for the calculation drop freezing time based on the Frick and energy conservation laws is considered. The calculation model proposed allows analyzing the influence of technological parameters and optimizing the operation of vacuum-evaporation unit as well as taking into account the process of drop crystallization in spray cone under the pressure below triple point of water.
The article describes an operation principle for a vacuum-evaporation unit for binary ice making by means of drop crystallization. A method of calculation for the unit is presented. The equations for drop dispersion evaluation in spray cone and for spray surface area are considered. A model ow water ice formation in spray cone under the pressure below triple point, which takes into account heat and mass transfer during drop evaporation, is presented. Mass transfer equation includes the diffusion coefficient for vapor. A mathematical model for the calculation drop freezing time based on the Frick and energy conservation laws is considered. The calculation model proposed allows analyzing the influence of technological parameters and optimizing the operation of vacuum-evaporation unit as well as taking into account the process of drop crystallization in spray cone under the pressure below triple point of water.
Keywords: binary ice, vacuum-evaporation unit, drop freezing, method of calculation.