Efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit with two-stage absorption and three-stage generation of the refrigerant vapor with bound mass flow
DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2020‑19‑4-12-19
UDC 621.575
Olga S. Malinina, Baranenko A.V., Lyadova E.E.
Keywords: energy efficiency, actual thermodynamic cycle, absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit, two-stage absorption, three-stage generation, bound mass flow.
UDC 621.575
Efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit with two-stage absorption and three-stage generation of the refrigerant vapor with bound mass flow
For citation: Malinina O. S., Baranenko A. V., Lyadova E. E. Efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle of absorption lithium bromide
refrigerating unit with two-stage absorption and three-stage generation of the refrigerant vapor with bound mass flow. Journal
of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2020. No 4. p. 12–19. DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2020‑19‑4-12-19
The results of the numerical analysis for the cycles of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit with two-stage absorption and three-stage generation of the refrigerant vapor with bound mass flow are presented. The influence of internal and external parameters in the heat coefficient of the cycle analyzed is considered. The temperature of heat source necessary for actual thermodynamic cycle of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit is determined. Comparative analysis of the cycle in question with the cycles of one-stage absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit and absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit with two-stage generation demonstrates the advantages of the cycle analyzed. From the comparison with the reference cycle (one-stage cycle) it follows that the cycle in question can be realized under the 10°C lower temperature of the heat medium, other parameters being the same. Despite the lower value of heat coefficient the cycle in question provides twofold increase of refrigerating capacity with the same heat source consumption. The use of the refrigerating unit with the cycle analyzed is recommended if high refrigerating capacity and a limited heat source consumption are necessary.
The results of the numerical analysis for the cycles of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit with two-stage absorption and three-stage generation of the refrigerant vapor with bound mass flow are presented. The influence of internal and external parameters in the heat coefficient of the cycle analyzed is considered. The temperature of heat source necessary for actual thermodynamic cycle of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit is determined. Comparative analysis of the cycle in question with the cycles of one-stage absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit and absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit with two-stage generation demonstrates the advantages of the cycle analyzed. From the comparison with the reference cycle (one-stage cycle) it follows that the cycle in question can be realized under the 10°C lower temperature of the heat medium, other parameters being the same. Despite the lower value of heat coefficient the cycle in question provides twofold increase of refrigerating capacity with the same heat source consumption. The use of the refrigerating unit with the cycle analyzed is recommended if high refrigerating capacity and a limited heat source consumption are necessary.
Keywords: energy efficiency, actual thermodynamic cycle, absorption lithium bromide refrigerating unit, two-stage absorption, three-stage generation, bound mass flow.