Experimental studies on the intensity of heat transfer in organic viscous media
DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2020‑19‑4-91-99
UDC 536.1/.62/.63; 665.1/.3
Fedorov Alexey V., Igor V. Baranov, Volkov Sergey M., Tagiev S.K., Efimov A.V., Romanov Nikolay N., Alexey A. Fedorov, Simonova Marina A.
Keywords: viscous medium, vegetable oil, heat, heat transfer, overheating, regular mode method.
UDC 536.1/.62/.63; 665.1/.3
Experimental studies on the intensity of heat transfer in organic viscous media
For citation: Fedorov A. V., Baranov I. V., Volkov S. M., Tagiev Sh. K., Efimov A. V., Romanov N. N., Fedorov A. A.,
Simonova M. A. Experimental studies on the intensity of heat transfer in organic viscous media. Journal of International
Academy of Refrigeration. 2020. No 4. p. 91–99. DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2020‑19‑4-91-99
The results of experimental studies on the intensity of heat transfer processes in organic viscous media are considered and discussed: vegetable oil; miscella of vegetable oil; glycerol; lubricating coolants. An hardware and software complex for automatization of the studies on heat transfer in viscous liquids media by the measurements of static and dynamic temperature characteristics is proposed for the experiments. The experimentally found dependencies of heat transfer coefficient on core overheating in organic viscous media are shown. The proposed method is based on the theory of a regular thermal regime and is based on the calculation of heat transfer during cooling of a body of a simple geometric shape – a metal ball. This is an express method and it also allows working with explosive and flammable liquids containing organic solvents. The research demonstrated the possibility of analyzing the process of heat transfer in single-phase and double-phase media, including phase transition zone. The results obtained can be useful in designing equipment for the production and processing of fat and oil products.
The results of experimental studies on the intensity of heat transfer processes in organic viscous media are considered and discussed: vegetable oil; miscella of vegetable oil; glycerol; lubricating coolants. An hardware and software complex for automatization of the studies on heat transfer in viscous liquids media by the measurements of static and dynamic temperature characteristics is proposed for the experiments. The experimentally found dependencies of heat transfer coefficient on core overheating in organic viscous media are shown. The proposed method is based on the theory of a regular thermal regime and is based on the calculation of heat transfer during cooling of a body of a simple geometric shape – a metal ball. This is an express method and it also allows working with explosive and flammable liquids containing organic solvents. The research demonstrated the possibility of analyzing the process of heat transfer in single-phase and double-phase media, including phase transition zone. The results obtained can be useful in designing equipment for the production and processing of fat and oil products.
Keywords: viscous medium, vegetable oil, heat, heat transfer, overheating, regular mode method.