Mathematical modelling of soil freezing on the basis of experimental data
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-1-102-107
UDC 637.52.001.8
Belozerov A.G., Semenov E.V., Babakin B. S.
Keywords: waterlogged soil, cooling, heating, obsservation time, mathematicl modellling.
UDC 637.52.001.8
Mathematical modelling of soil freezing on the basis of experimental data
For citation: Belozerov A.G., Semenov E.V., Babakin B.S. Mathematical modelling of soil freezing on the basis of experimental data. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2021. No 1. p. 102-107. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-1-102-107
A developed algorithm of calculation for temperature stratification in terms of time and soil depth is presented. The algorithm is based on the solution for the classic boundary problem of the first type on the temperature distribution over a soil porotype in the form of half-space. The half-year temperatures for a particular time in a particular region of the Taymyr Peninsula were used as the data for analysis. The measurements of the soil temperature were taken at the depth of 0.6 and 0.9 m. on the first and fifteenth of each month from November, 2010 up to and including April, 2011. On the basis of algorithm proposed a numerical modelling, as well as qualitative and quantitative analyses, were made on the temperature distribution over time and soil depth at the particular days of every month. The calculation method, based on the modern information technologies, is simple and easy to use in practice.
A developed algorithm of calculation for temperature stratification in terms of time and soil depth is presented. The algorithm is based on the solution for the classic boundary problem of the first type on the temperature distribution over a soil porotype in the form of half-space. The half-year temperatures for a particular time in a particular region of the Taymyr Peninsula were used as the data for analysis. The measurements of the soil temperature were taken at the depth of 0.6 and 0.9 m. on the first and fifteenth of each month from November, 2010 up to and including April, 2011. On the basis of algorithm proposed a numerical modelling, as well as qualitative and quantitative analyses, were made on the temperature distribution over time and soil depth at the particular days of every month. The calculation method, based on the modern information technologies, is simple and easy to use in practice.
Keywords: waterlogged soil, cooling, heating, obsservation time, mathematicl modellling.