On evaporative cooling of compressor
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-21-27
UDC 621.51
Dzitoev Marat S., Tatarenko U.V., Molostov Aleksandr V.
Keywords: compressor, evaporative cooling, mixture, injection, compressible gas.
UDC 621.51
On evaporative cooling of compressor
For citation: Dzitoev M.S., Tatarenko I.V., Моlоsтоv А.V. On evaporative cooling of compressor. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2021. No 2. p. 21-27. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-21-27
The paper considers the perspectives of cooling the working fluid in a volumetric compressor by injecting liquid into gas. The results of numerical analysis for the operation of the stage of a linear-driven reciprocating compressor using KOMDET-VKA software at different pressure ratios in the stage are presented. For evaporative cooling, it is proposed to use a mixture of air with nitrogen, helium, and argon. These agents are used in the gas supply systems of space rockets. The expediency of using evaporative cooling by injecting liquid into the suction cavity of the working substance in a reciprocating compressor is shown. It allows reducing the compression work and gas injection temperature as well as increasing increase its productivity.
The paper considers the perspectives of cooling the working fluid in a volumetric compressor by injecting liquid into gas. The results of numerical analysis for the operation of the stage of a linear-driven reciprocating compressor using KOMDET-VKA software at different pressure ratios in the stage are presented. For evaporative cooling, it is proposed to use a mixture of air with nitrogen, helium, and argon. These agents are used in the gas supply systems of space rockets. The expediency of using evaporative cooling by injecting liquid into the suction cavity of the working substance in a reciprocating compressor is shown. It allows reducing the compression work and gas injection temperature as well as increasing increase its productivity.
Keywords: compressor, evaporative cooling, mixture, injection, compressible gas.