The effect of intermediate pressure on the operation of a two-stage reciprocating compressor (general purpose compressor)
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-1-44-52
UDC 621.51
Molostov Aleksandr V.
Keywords: piston compressor, pressure ratio, numerical study, cylinder diameter, relative dead space.
UDC 621.51
The effect of intermediate pressure on the operation of a two-stage reciprocating compressor (general purpose compressor)
For citation: Моlоsтоv А.V. The effect of intermediate pressure on the operation of a two-stage reciprocating compressor (general purpose compressor). Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 1. p.44-52. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-1-44-52
The paper presents the results of a numerical study of 2VM2.5-14/9 two-stage reciprocating compressor. Mathematical modeling took into account the influence of a variable diameter of the piston (cylinder) in the range from 160 to 230 mm and relative dead space in the range from 0.08 to 0.80. The study was carried out on the basis of the field proven COMDET-VKA software. In the numerical analysis, air was taken as the working substance. It is proved that the condition for achieving a minimum and approximate equality for the temperatures of the gas injected in steps should be considered to be the main criterion for choosing the value of the intermediate pressure.
The paper presents the results of a numerical study of 2VM2.5-14/9 two-stage reciprocating compressor. Mathematical modeling took into account the influence of a variable diameter of the piston (cylinder) in the range from 160 to 230 mm and relative dead space in the range from 0.08 to 0.80. The study was carried out on the basis of the field proven COMDET-VKA software. In the numerical analysis, air was taken as the working substance. It is proved that the condition for achieving a minimum and approximate equality for the temperatures of the gas injected in steps should be considered to be the main criterion for choosing the value of the intermediate pressure.
Keywords: piston compressor, pressure ratio, numerical study, cylinder diameter, relative dead space.