Evaluation of turbulence models for flow and heat transfer of drop-shaped tubes
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-2-61-69
UDC 532.5.004.414.23:536.2.004.414.23
Deeb Rawad, Kolotvin Aleksey V., Sidenkov D.V.
Keywords: drop-shaped tube, heat transfer, hydrodynamics, swirling flow, turbulence models, Navier-Stokes, Reynolds stress models, numerical study, CFD.
UDC 532.5.004.414.23:536.2.004.414.23
Evaluation of turbulence models for flow and heat transfer of drop-shaped tubes
For citation: Deeb Rawad, Kolotvin A.V., Sidenkov D.V. Evaluation of turbulence models for flow and heat transfer of drop-shaped tubes. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 2. p. 61-69. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-2-61-69
Heat transfer and turbulent flow passing over a single tube and a bundle of drop-shaped tubes were simulated by Ansys Fluent package. Verification of two groups of turbulence models k-ε and k-ωwas carried out. The main parameters of the computational grid was determined allowing obtain the accepted calculations accuracy. Streamlines for the studied turbulence models were presented. The strengths and weaknesses of the studied models was described. Comparison of calculation results with experimental data showed that the use of the Standard k-ωturbulence model gives the best results when modeling heat transfer and hydrodynamics for the case of single a drop-shaped tube. However, the RNG k-εmodel with enhanced wall treatment function was considered more suitable in case of a drop-shaped tubes bundle.
Heat transfer and turbulent flow passing over a single tube and a bundle of drop-shaped tubes were simulated by Ansys Fluent package. Verification of two groups of turbulence models k-ε and k-ωwas carried out. The main parameters of the computational grid was determined allowing obtain the accepted calculations accuracy. Streamlines for the studied turbulence models were presented. The strengths and weaknesses of the studied models was described. Comparison of calculation results with experimental data showed that the use of the Standard k-ωturbulence model gives the best results when modeling heat transfer and hydrodynamics for the case of single a drop-shaped tube. However, the RNG k-εmodel with enhanced wall treatment function was considered more suitable in case of a drop-shaped tubes bundle.
Keywords: drop-shaped tube, heat transfer, hydrodynamics, swirling flow, turbulence models, Navier-Stokes, Reynolds stress models, numerical study, CFD.