Algorithm and the examples of multiparametric automated computational optimization for turboexpander compressor stage 3D impellers
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-2-27-34
UDC 621.573
Danilishin A.M., Kozhukhov Y.V.
Keywords: computational optimization, multiparametric optimization, turbodetander unit, compressor stage, impeller.
UDC 621.573
Algorithm and the examples of multiparametric automated computational optimization for turboexpander compressor stage 3D impellers
For citation: Danilishin A.M., Kozhukhov Y.V. Algorithm and the examples of multiparametric automated computational optimization for turboexpander compressor stage 3D impellers. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 2. p. 27-34. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-2-27-34
The study presents an algorithm and results of the multiparametric optimization for high-flow centrifugal compressor stages. We present the use of a CAD parameterized model of the compressor stage in the automated computational optimization procedure by the AMO – Adaptive Multiple-Objective method in the Ansys complex. To predict the compressor stage efficiency in the design mode, a viscous three-dimensional CFD calculation is used. As an objective function of the optimization problem, the stage total to total polytropic efficiency and the total to total polytropic head coefficient constraint are selected. The algorithm was used for the centrifugal compressor stages improvement. As a result, the efficiency was increased by 1.5-2.5%, and the stages energy–efficient operation zone was expanded by 30% - 60%. The results of the study showed that computational optimization can be successfully applied for the projected centrifugal compressor flow part fine-tuning to obtain the highest efficiency.
The study presents an algorithm and results of the multiparametric optimization for high-flow centrifugal compressor stages. We present the use of a CAD parameterized model of the compressor stage in the automated computational optimization procedure by the AMO – Adaptive Multiple-Objective method in the Ansys complex. To predict the compressor stage efficiency in the design mode, a viscous three-dimensional CFD calculation is used. As an objective function of the optimization problem, the stage total to total polytropic efficiency and the total to total polytropic head coefficient constraint are selected. The algorithm was used for the centrifugal compressor stages improvement. As a result, the efficiency was increased by 1.5-2.5%, and the stages energy–efficient operation zone was expanded by 30% - 60%. The results of the study showed that computational optimization can be successfully applied for the projected centrifugal compressor flow part fine-tuning to obtain the highest efficiency.
Keywords: computational optimization, multiparametric optimization, turbodetander unit, compressor stage, impeller.