The use of transient hot wire method to determine thermal conductivity of viscous liquids
UDC 536.2.08;665.1/.3
Alexey A. Fedorov, Vladimir A. Korablev, Fedorov Alexander V. , Kowalskiy Ilya S., Volkov Sergey M., Andreeva Anastasia
Keywords: thermal conductivity, viscous liquid, transient hot wire method, vegetable oil, sunflower oil miscella.
The use of transient hot wire method to determine thermal conductivity of viscous liquids
For citation: Fedorov A.A., Korablev V.A., Fedorov A.V., Kovalsky I.S., Volkov S.M., Andreeva A. The use of transient hot wire method to determine thermal conductivity of viscous liquids. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 3. p. 66-73. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-3-66-73
The transient hot wire method is used to determine thermal conductivity of viscous liquids. An experimental setup was created for the research. In experiments with glycerol, the efficiency of the method was confirmed, and a sufficient accuracy of thermal conductivity measurements was achieved. For miscella of sunflower oil with a concentration of 90 to 100% (mass concentration of vegetable oil), new experimental data on thermal conductivity in the temperature range from 25 to 125 °C were obtained. It has been established that with an increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of miscellas decreases by 15–18%, and with an increase in the mass concentration of vegetable oil, it decreases by 5–6% over the entire range of specified temperatures. These results are necessary in the calculations of equipment and processes in the production of vegetable oils, to improve technologies to improve product quality and reduce energy costs. The presented experimental setup can be used to measure the thermal conductivity of other viscous liquids and solutions.
The transient hot wire method is used to determine thermal conductivity of viscous liquids. An experimental setup was created for the research. In experiments with glycerol, the efficiency of the method was confirmed, and a sufficient accuracy of thermal conductivity measurements was achieved. For miscella of sunflower oil with a concentration of 90 to 100% (mass concentration of vegetable oil), new experimental data on thermal conductivity in the temperature range from 25 to 125 °C were obtained. It has been established that with an increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of miscellas decreases by 15–18%, and with an increase in the mass concentration of vegetable oil, it decreases by 5–6% over the entire range of specified temperatures. These results are necessary in the calculations of equipment and processes in the production of vegetable oils, to improve technologies to improve product quality and reduce energy costs. The presented experimental setup can be used to measure the thermal conductivity of other viscous liquids and solutions.
Keywords: thermal conductivity, viscous liquid, transient hot wire method, vegetable oil, sunflower oil miscella.