Perspectives of controlling whipped yeast-free dough making
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-37-44
UDC 664.653.05
Volkov Ivan E.
Keywords: high-performance machinery, food products, mechanical loosening method, control models, process modes.
UDC 664.653.05
Perspectives of controlling whipped yeast-free dough making
For citation: Volkov I.E. Perspectives of controlling whipped yeast-free dough making. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 4. p. 37-44. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-37-44
The chosen direction of research, the results of which are presented in this article, is due to the need to solve the problems of improving the nutrition of the population. Under the conditions of increased environmental stress, these issues are often associated with various deviations in the functioning of the body, for example, deviations in the normal functioning of digestion, homeopathy, and even oncological diseases. Some of these deviations do not allow the presence of yeast in the daily diet. Such requirements force us to be more attentive to the organization of the production of yeast-free bread, which requires additional study of the phenomena associated with the mechanical loosening of dough. These studies are necessary both for the use of existing equipment and for the introduction of new innovative solutions. Simultaneously with solving the problems of mechanical dough loosening, it is advisable to consider the features of increasing the overall value of yeast-free bread, which requires the use of multicomponent flour mixtures. Among the additional components, in this case the use of raw materials with an attractive mineral and vitamin composition is allowed. Among them, for example, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet flour, wheat germ, sugar beet powder or beer production wastes such as brewer's spent grains can be considered. The introduction of these additives in yeast-free bread improves metabolism and positively affects the processes of hematopoiesis, having a general health effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system as well as the liver. The features of the studied method of mechanical loosening of the dough are the use of flour of various grain crops in certain proportions, which have baking properties immediately after grinding. The listed advantages of bread made from whipped yeast-free dough make it in high demand in the Far North and regions that do not currently have a developed industrial structure. For the wide use of aerated yeast-free bread of the proposed recipes, it is necessary to conduct, first of all, experimental studies to identify the possibilities of controlling the process of preparing aerated yeast-free dough with the help of newly developed technological equipment.
The chosen direction of research, the results of which are presented in this article, is due to the need to solve the problems of improving the nutrition of the population. Under the conditions of increased environmental stress, these issues are often associated with various deviations in the functioning of the body, for example, deviations in the normal functioning of digestion, homeopathy, and even oncological diseases. Some of these deviations do not allow the presence of yeast in the daily diet. Such requirements force us to be more attentive to the organization of the production of yeast-free bread, which requires additional study of the phenomena associated with the mechanical loosening of dough. These studies are necessary both for the use of existing equipment and for the introduction of new innovative solutions. Simultaneously with solving the problems of mechanical dough loosening, it is advisable to consider the features of increasing the overall value of yeast-free bread, which requires the use of multicomponent flour mixtures. Among the additional components, in this case the use of raw materials with an attractive mineral and vitamin composition is allowed. Among them, for example, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet flour, wheat germ, sugar beet powder or beer production wastes such as brewer's spent grains can be considered. The introduction of these additives in yeast-free bread improves metabolism and positively affects the processes of hematopoiesis, having a general health effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system as well as the liver. The features of the studied method of mechanical loosening of the dough are the use of flour of various grain crops in certain proportions, which have baking properties immediately after grinding. The listed advantages of bread made from whipped yeast-free dough make it in high demand in the Far North and regions that do not currently have a developed industrial structure. For the wide use of aerated yeast-free bread of the proposed recipes, it is necessary to conduct, first of all, experimental studies to identify the possibilities of controlling the process of preparing aerated yeast-free dough with the help of newly developed technological equipment.
Keywords: high-performance machinery, food products, mechanical loosening method, control models, process modes.