Mathematical modeling of a thermoelectric system for local hypothermia of the periodontal region
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-60-67
UDC 621.362
Oleg V. Evdulov, Magomedova Sarat G., Magomadov R. A.-M.
Keywords: periodontal disease, hypothermia, thermoelectric system, thermoelectric module, temperature, mathematical modeling, numerical experiment.
UDC 621.362
Mathematical modeling of a thermoelectric system for local hypothermia of the periodontal region
For citation: Yevdulov O.V., Magomedova S.G., Magomadov R.A.-M. Mathematical modeling of a thermoelectric system for local hypothermia of the periodontal region. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 4. p. 60-67. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-60-67
The article is devoted to mathematical modeling and research of a thermoelectric system (TES) for local hypothermia of the periodontal region. The object of research is a design in which a thermoelectric module (TEM), which is a source of cold, is brought into thermal contact with the periodontal area subjected to freezing through a special antiseptic layer. Heat removal from the hot joints of the TEM is carried out by an air or liquid heat exchanger. The mathematical model of the thermal power plant consists in solving problems of determining the temperature field of the periodontal region depending on the different power of the thermal power plant and calculating the TEM with the determination of its electrical parameters. The first problem is realized by solving a three-dimensional unsteady thermal conductivity problem for a layered structure of complex shape, taking into account the presence of objects with different thermophysical parameters, heat exchange conditions at the boundaries of the second, and third kind media. The second is by determining the electrical parameters of the TEM using the Thermoelectric system calculation application software package produced by the Cryotherm Company, St. Petersburg. As a result of the numerical experiment, graphs of temperature changes at various points of the periodontal region and thermal power plants were obtained depending on the power of the TEM, the parameters of the thermal module, external conditions, and the dynamic characteristics of the system were determined. It is established that for local hypothermia two types of standard TEM produced by Cryotherm could be used: ТВ-17-1.4-1.15 and DRIFT-1,2. Their parameters are shown to be as follows: power – 3-4 W and 18-40 W, power supply current – 6-7 A and 3.8-7.6 А, electrical power consumption – 13-14 W and 50-200 W with a temperature difference between cold and hot junctions of 45 K.
The article is devoted to mathematical modeling and research of a thermoelectric system (TES) for local hypothermia of the periodontal region. The object of research is a design in which a thermoelectric module (TEM), which is a source of cold, is brought into thermal contact with the periodontal area subjected to freezing through a special antiseptic layer. Heat removal from the hot joints of the TEM is carried out by an air or liquid heat exchanger. The mathematical model of the thermal power plant consists in solving problems of determining the temperature field of the periodontal region depending on the different power of the thermal power plant and calculating the TEM with the determination of its electrical parameters. The first problem is realized by solving a three-dimensional unsteady thermal conductivity problem for a layered structure of complex shape, taking into account the presence of objects with different thermophysical parameters, heat exchange conditions at the boundaries of the second, and third kind media. The second is by determining the electrical parameters of the TEM using the Thermoelectric system calculation application software package produced by the Cryotherm Company, St. Petersburg. As a result of the numerical experiment, graphs of temperature changes at various points of the periodontal region and thermal power plants were obtained depending on the power of the TEM, the parameters of the thermal module, external conditions, and the dynamic characteristics of the system were determined. It is established that for local hypothermia two types of standard TEM produced by Cryotherm could be used: ТВ-17-1.4-1.15 and DRIFT-1,2. Their parameters are shown to be as follows: power – 3-4 W and 18-40 W, power supply current – 6-7 A and 3.8-7.6 А, electrical power consumption – 13-14 W and 50-200 W with a temperature difference between cold and hot junctions of 45 K.
Keywords: periodontal disease, hypothermia, thermoelectric system, thermoelectric module, temperature, mathematical modeling, numerical experiment.