The influence of cryoprotectors on the cryoscopic temperature and the amount of frozen-out water in the process of freezing
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-1-85-92
UDC 664.97
Bogdanov Valery D., Simdiankin Andrei A., Sytnik Ivan A.
Keywords: freezing, freezing curves, cryoscopic temperature, frozen water, cryoprotectants.
UDC 664.97
The influence of cryoprotectors on the cryoscopic temperature and the amount of frozen-out water in the process of freezing
For citation: Bogdanov V.D., Simdiankin A.A., Sytnik I.A. The influence of cryoprotectors on the cryoscopic temperature and the amount of frozen-out water in the process of freezing. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 1. p. 85-92. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-1-85-92
The implementation of the main task of cryonics, which consists in minimizing the negative consequences of the use of low temperatures, is not possible without the use of cryoprotectants – substances that prevent or slow down the growth of ice crystals during freezing. Sorbitol, glycerin, propylene glycol, mannitol, sucrose, raffinose, dimethyl sulfoxide, etc. are used as cryoprotectants. In this regard, the aim of the work is to study the effect of cryoprotectants on the cryoscopic temperature and the amount of frozen water in the process of freezing minced fish. The amount of water in the tissues of pollock before freezing was determined by the standard method - drying the sample in a cabinet at a temperature of 105 °C to constant weight. The cryoscopic temperature was determined by the thermographic method according to the formation of a thermostatic platform on the temperature change curve of the sample. The cryoscopic temperatures of minced fish containing various cryoprotectants were determined. The dependence curves of the amount of frozen water on the freezing temperature were analyzed. The results of the conducted studies substantiate the rationality of the study of composite cryoprotectors of the following composition: No. 1 – 1% NaCl + 2% sorbitol + 2% mixture of cryoconcentrates "Mineral Corrective" (MNK); No. 2 – 1% NaCl + 2% sorbitol + 2% milk cryoconcentrate; No. 3 – 1% NaCl + 3% sorbitol + 3% mixture of cryoconcentrates "Mineral Corrective".
The implementation of the main task of cryonics, which consists in minimizing the negative consequences of the use of low temperatures, is not possible without the use of cryoprotectants – substances that prevent or slow down the growth of ice crystals during freezing. Sorbitol, glycerin, propylene glycol, mannitol, sucrose, raffinose, dimethyl sulfoxide, etc. are used as cryoprotectants. In this regard, the aim of the work is to study the effect of cryoprotectants on the cryoscopic temperature and the amount of frozen water in the process of freezing minced fish. The amount of water in the tissues of pollock before freezing was determined by the standard method - drying the sample in a cabinet at a temperature of 105 °C to constant weight. The cryoscopic temperature was determined by the thermographic method according to the formation of a thermostatic platform on the temperature change curve of the sample. The cryoscopic temperatures of minced fish containing various cryoprotectants were determined. The dependence curves of the amount of frozen water on the freezing temperature were analyzed. The results of the conducted studies substantiate the rationality of the study of composite cryoprotectors of the following composition: No. 1 – 1% NaCl + 2% sorbitol + 2% mixture of cryoconcentrates "Mineral Corrective" (MNK); No. 2 – 1% NaCl + 2% sorbitol + 2% milk cryoconcentrate; No. 3 – 1% NaCl + 3% sorbitol + 3% mixture of cryoconcentrates "Mineral Corrective".
Keywords: freezing, freezing curves, cryoscopic temperature, frozen water, cryoprotectants.