Development of exergic analysis technique for steam-compression heat pumps using environmentally friendly refrigerants
UDC 621.577
Aleksandr A. Malyshev, Zhivaev Vyacheslav S., Olga S. Malinina
Keywords: green technologies, renewable energy sources, hydrofluoroolefins, highly efficient engineering systems, heat pumps, innovative refrigerants, exergic analysis, thermotransformers.
Development of exergic analysis technique for steam-compression heat pumps using environmentally friendly refrigerants
For citation: Malyshev A.A., Zhivaev V.S., Malinina O.S. Development of exergic analysis technique for steam-compression heat pumps using environmentally friendly refrigerants. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 2. p.49-58. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-2-49-58
The article presents analysis of the dynamics of the heat pumps use in the world in recent decades. Comparison of ecological indices and thermodynamic properties of the working meida R134a, R717, and R410 as well as perspective working medium R1234yf from the class of hydrofluoroolefins is made. For the given refrigerants the exergic parameters of actual air-to-air and water-to-air heat pumps’ cycles depending on the environment temperature have been calculated. For the same conditions, design dependences of heating and exergic efficiency coefficients for the cycles and individual elements of heat pumps have been obtained. The values of exergic efficiency coefficients of piston and scroll compressors in actual cycles have been calculated and their influence on the thermodynamic efficiency of heat pump have been evaluated. The potential for the use of R1234yf refrigerant in heat pump systems has been established and its advantages in comparison with widely used analogues has been shown.
The article presents analysis of the dynamics of the heat pumps use in the world in recent decades. Comparison of ecological indices and thermodynamic properties of the working meida R134a, R717, and R410 as well as perspective working medium R1234yf from the class of hydrofluoroolefins is made. For the given refrigerants the exergic parameters of actual air-to-air and water-to-air heat pumps’ cycles depending on the environment temperature have been calculated. For the same conditions, design dependences of heating and exergic efficiency coefficients for the cycles and individual elements of heat pumps have been obtained. The values of exergic efficiency coefficients of piston and scroll compressors in actual cycles have been calculated and their influence on the thermodynamic efficiency of heat pump have been evaluated. The potential for the use of R1234yf refrigerant in heat pump systems has been established and its advantages in comparison with widely used analogues has been shown.
Keywords: green technologies, renewable energy sources, hydrofluoroolefins, highly efficient engineering systems, heat pumps, innovative refrigerants, exergic analysis, thermotransformers.