Binary mixture of carbon dioxide and dimethyl ether and its properties for use in refrigeration machines
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-20-28
UDC 621.56/.59
Syazin Ivan E., Kasyanov Gennady I., Gukasyan A.V. , Kaminir Olga N.
Keywords: alternative refrigerants; dimethyl ether, carbon dioxide, refrigerating machine, R744, RE170.
UDC 621.56/.59
Binary mixture of carbon dioxide and dimethyl ether and its properties for use in refrigeration machines
For citation: Syazin I.E., Kasyanov G.I., Gukasyan A.V., Kaminir O.N. Binary mixture of carbon dioxide and dimethyl ether and its properties for use in refrigeration machines. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 3. p. 20-28. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-20-28
The results of studies of a binary mixture consisting of carbon dioxide R744 and dimethyl ether RE170 are presented for the possibility of using it as a refrigerant based on freon refrigeration machines. A study of the R744/RE170 mixture for cosolubility was carried out. It has been found that carbon dioxide and dimethyl ether have fairly good cosolubility. CO2 and DME correlate as absorbate and absorbent in direct contact in terms of sorption capacity, depending on the state of aggregation, temperature and pressure.It is shown that, due to the difference in temperatures and pressures in the near-boundary regions of the saturation curves of the components, it seems difficult to determine the cosolubility, since carbon dioxide, being in a gaseous state, dissolves rather well in dimethiether upon further cooling or increasing pressure, thus forming a homogeneous zeatropic mixture with it.It has been found that the R744/RE170 blend has a higher specific cooling capacity than the average specific cooling capacity of most HFCs and blended refrigerants. The scheme of the refrigerating machine on R744/RE170 mixture is presented. The data of the test results of the R744/E170 mixture to determine the pressure and temperature of condensation and boiling, depending on the ratio of components, the discharge and suction temperatures are presented.As R744/RE170 binary mixture is separate boiling one (zeatropic), it is characterized by a temperature glide. Formulas for calculating the temperature glide are given, and the coefficient that establishes the dependence of the temperature glide on the thermodynamic and other indicators of the R744/RE170 mixture components is taken as the basic experimental variable. In addition, some other characteristics and features of the R744/RE170 mixture were investigated, such as the effect of the liquid separator on the composition of the mixture and inertness with respect to materials.
The results of studies of a binary mixture consisting of carbon dioxide R744 and dimethyl ether RE170 are presented for the possibility of using it as a refrigerant based on freon refrigeration machines. A study of the R744/RE170 mixture for cosolubility was carried out. It has been found that carbon dioxide and dimethyl ether have fairly good cosolubility. CO2 and DME correlate as absorbate and absorbent in direct contact in terms of sorption capacity, depending on the state of aggregation, temperature and pressure.It is shown that, due to the difference in temperatures and pressures in the near-boundary regions of the saturation curves of the components, it seems difficult to determine the cosolubility, since carbon dioxide, being in a gaseous state, dissolves rather well in dimethiether upon further cooling or increasing pressure, thus forming a homogeneous zeatropic mixture with it.It has been found that the R744/RE170 blend has a higher specific cooling capacity than the average specific cooling capacity of most HFCs and blended refrigerants. The scheme of the refrigerating machine on R744/RE170 mixture is presented. The data of the test results of the R744/E170 mixture to determine the pressure and temperature of condensation and boiling, depending on the ratio of components, the discharge and suction temperatures are presented.As R744/RE170 binary mixture is separate boiling one (zeatropic), it is characterized by a temperature glide. Formulas for calculating the temperature glide are given, and the coefficient that establishes the dependence of the temperature glide on the thermodynamic and other indicators of the R744/RE170 mixture components is taken as the basic experimental variable. In addition, some other characteristics and features of the R744/RE170 mixture were investigated, such as the effect of the liquid separator on the composition of the mixture and inertness with respect to materials.
Keywords: alternative refrigerants; dimethyl ether, carbon dioxide, refrigerating machine, R744, RE170.