Mathematical model of a thermoelectric system for cooling discrete electric radio elements
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-53-60
UDC 621.362
Oleg V. Evdulov, Ibragimova M. Asiyat
Keywords: electronic equipment, electric radio element, cooling, thermoelectric system, thermoelectric module, modeling, numerical experiment, temperature.
UDC 621.362
Mathematical model of a thermoelectric system for cooling discrete electric radio elements
For citation: Yevdulov O.V., Ibragimova A.M. Mathematical model of a thermoelectric system for cooling discrete electric radio elements. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 3. p. 53-60. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-53-60
The article is devoted to mathematical modeling and research of a thermoelectric system (TES) for cooling discrete electric radio elements (ERE). The device is investigated, which includes the main and additional sections of the same type of thermoelectric modules (TEM), as well as the main and additional heat exchange systems. A feature of the device is the ability to provide heat removal from the ERE simultaneously from its upper and lower surfaces. The mathematical model of the thermal power plant consists in solving a system of differential equations describing the process of non-stationary heat transfer in each of the elements of the thermal power plant and ERE design by the finite element method, as well as calculating the TEM in the Thermoelectric System Calculation software and computer complex (manufactured by Cryotherm Company, St. Petersburg). The results of the numerical experiment are presented in the form of three-dimensional and one-dimensional temperature fields of the TES-ERE structure when it enters stationary operation and graphs of temperature changes over time at control points depending on the heat release of the ERE, the power of the TEM, the coefficients of heat exchange with the environment of heat exchange systems, as well as various materials from which the latter are expected to be made. As a result of modeling, it was found that it is advisable to use three standard TEMs by Cryotherm DRIFT-1.5 Company as a source of cold in thermal power plants. The TEMs provide a power range of 17-40 W with a power supply current of 2-6 A and electricity consumed per unit of time of 40-130 W and have a cooling coefficient of 0.17-1.3.
The article is devoted to mathematical modeling and research of a thermoelectric system (TES) for cooling discrete electric radio elements (ERE). The device is investigated, which includes the main and additional sections of the same type of thermoelectric modules (TEM), as well as the main and additional heat exchange systems. A feature of the device is the ability to provide heat removal from the ERE simultaneously from its upper and lower surfaces. The mathematical model of the thermal power plant consists in solving a system of differential equations describing the process of non-stationary heat transfer in each of the elements of the thermal power plant and ERE design by the finite element method, as well as calculating the TEM in the Thermoelectric System Calculation software and computer complex (manufactured by Cryotherm Company, St. Petersburg). The results of the numerical experiment are presented in the form of three-dimensional and one-dimensional temperature fields of the TES-ERE structure when it enters stationary operation and graphs of temperature changes over time at control points depending on the heat release of the ERE, the power of the TEM, the coefficients of heat exchange with the environment of heat exchange systems, as well as various materials from which the latter are expected to be made. As a result of modeling, it was found that it is advisable to use three standard TEMs by Cryotherm DRIFT-1.5 Company as a source of cold in thermal power plants. The TEMs provide a power range of 17-40 W with a power supply current of 2-6 A and electricity consumed per unit of time of 40-130 W and have a cooling coefficient of 0.17-1.3.
Keywords: electronic equipment, electric radio element, cooling, thermoelectric system, thermoelectric module, modeling, numerical experiment, temperature.