Calculation of natural convection heat transfer coefficient towards LNG based on finite element method
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-74-79
UDC 004.942
Ivanov Lev V., Baranov Aleksandr Yu., Ikonnikova Anastasia Yu., Baranov Matvey V.
Keywords: convective heat transfer, cryogenic, LNG storage, CFD, Ansys Fluent.
UDC 004.942
Calculation of natural convection heat transfer coefficient towards LNG based on finite element method
For citation: Ivanov L.V., Baranov A.Yu., Ikonnikova A.Yu., Baranov M.V. Calculation of natural convection heat transfer coefficient towards LNG based on finite element method. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 3. p. 74-79. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-74-79
In this paper a method of calculation of heat transfer coefficient for natural convection based on the data obtained from finite element method is presented. Existing classical methods of calculating heat transfer coefficient are only suited for subcooled liquid and overheated vapor. Fluid is in saturated state under storage conditions of cryogenic liquid. Precise coefficient of heat transfer for different cryogenic fluids under different working parameters might be determined with existing software products for numerical modelling. Numerical modeling with special software (ANSYS, COMSOL etc) is time consuming process that requires significant computing power, that is why its usage for large and transient object and processes is limited. In this paper, a method of modelling of heat transfer coefficients based on finite element method for future classical parametric modelling is presented. Numerical model is based on VoF model and Boussinesq approximation. When choosing turbulence model, the change of the flow mode during natural convection with an increase of heat difference is taken into account. With the computational fluid dynamics obtained, a data sheet of heat transfer coefficients for liquid methane under wide range of working pressures from 0.1 MPa to 2 MPa and various temperature differences was created. The use of such tables might make modelling cryogenic systems easier.
In this paper a method of calculation of heat transfer coefficient for natural convection based on the data obtained from finite element method is presented. Existing classical methods of calculating heat transfer coefficient are only suited for subcooled liquid and overheated vapor. Fluid is in saturated state under storage conditions of cryogenic liquid. Precise coefficient of heat transfer for different cryogenic fluids under different working parameters might be determined with existing software products for numerical modelling. Numerical modeling with special software (ANSYS, COMSOL etc) is time consuming process that requires significant computing power, that is why its usage for large and transient object and processes is limited. In this paper, a method of modelling of heat transfer coefficients based on finite element method for future classical parametric modelling is presented. Numerical model is based on VoF model and Boussinesq approximation. When choosing turbulence model, the change of the flow mode during natural convection with an increase of heat difference is taken into account. With the computational fluid dynamics obtained, a data sheet of heat transfer coefficients for liquid methane under wide range of working pressures from 0.1 MPa to 2 MPa and various temperature differences was created. The use of such tables might make modelling cryogenic systems easier.
Keywords: convective heat transfer, cryogenic, LNG storage, CFD, Ansys Fluent.