Comparative analysis of various channel shapes for a plate-fin heat exchanger of a small-sized gas turbine power plant
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-4-11-21
UDC 621.565.954
Blagin E. V., Uglanov D.A., Shimanov A. A. , Shimanova A. B.
Keywords: plate-fin heat exchanger, small-sized gas turbine power plant.
UDC 621.565.954
Comparative analysis of various channel shapes for a plate-fin heat exchanger of a small-sized gas turbine power plant
For citation: Blagin E.V., Uglanov D.A., Shimanov A.A., Shimanova A.B. Comparative analysis of various channel shapes for a plate-fin heat exchanger of a small-sized gas turbine power plant. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 4. p. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-4-11-21
This paper provides a comparative analysis of the operation of plate-fin heat exchangers for small-sized gas turbine units with different channel shapes. The comparison was carried out in the context of comparing the efficiency of heat exchange, friction losses, and mass-dimensional parameters. Nine different channel shapes were considered. The results of the analysis showed that three types of channels are most suitable for small-sized gas turbine installations: a semicircular straight channel, a semicircular zigzag channel, and a channel with a spiral insert. Depending on the priorities, the following solutions can be proposed: if the least hydraulic resistance is a priority, then it is recommended to use a straight semicircular channel; if the compactness of the heat exchanger is a priority – a zigzag semicircular channel; if the least weight of the heat exchanger is a priority, it is recommended to use a channel with spiral inserts.
This paper provides a comparative analysis of the operation of plate-fin heat exchangers for small-sized gas turbine units with different channel shapes. The comparison was carried out in the context of comparing the efficiency of heat exchange, friction losses, and mass-dimensional parameters. Nine different channel shapes were considered. The results of the analysis showed that three types of channels are most suitable for small-sized gas turbine installations: a semicircular straight channel, a semicircular zigzag channel, and a channel with a spiral insert. Depending on the priorities, the following solutions can be proposed: if the least hydraulic resistance is a priority, then it is recommended to use a straight semicircular channel; if the compactness of the heat exchanger is a priority – a zigzag semicircular channel; if the least weight of the heat exchanger is a priority, it is recommended to use a channel with spiral inserts.
Keywords: plate-fin heat exchanger, small-sized gas turbine power plant.