Refrigeration supply systems based on lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machines

DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-1-3-12
UDC 621.574.013-932.2

Refrigeration supply systems based on lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machines

Baranenko A.V., Olga S. Malinina

For citation: Baranenko A.V., Malinina O.S. Refrigeration supply systems based on lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machines. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2024. No 1. p. 3-12. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-1-3-12

Presented review of designs for lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machines by modern manufacturers in the industrial sector demonstrates prospects of their usage. According to the type of cycles, the machines in question can be classified as the units with single, multistage, cascade, and combined cycles. Thermodynamic cycles of the lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machines, in turn, are divided into cycles with simple and complex processes of heat and mass transfer in the main apparatuses. Simple processes are single-stage ones; complex processes include processes with stepwise generation, absorption, condensation, and boiling. The results of the research on the efficiency of the lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machines the systems of power generation, heat, and cold supply have shown the predominant use of the units with one-stage cycle and cycle with two-stage solution generation. In this paper, a systematisation of names and a detailed description of various thermodynamic cycles of the lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machines is proposed. The efficiency of single-stage cycle, cycle with two-stage solution generation, cascade, and combined cycles of various types depending on the parameters of external sources is analysed.

Keywords: refrigeration supply systems, lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machine, systematisation, thermodynamic cycles, efficiency analysis.

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