The scheme of liquefied carbon dioxide production by membrane separation with recirculation system
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-1-34-42
UDC 621.5.012.2/.3
Syazin Ivan E., Kasyanov Gennady I., Gukasyan A.V. , Kaminir Olga N.
Keywords: carbon dioxide, obtaining CO2, separation of gases, liquefaction of gases, liquefied gases.
UDC 621.5.012.2/.3
The scheme of liquefied carbon dioxide production by membrane separation with recirculation system
For citation: Syazin I.E., Kasyanov G.I., Gukasyan A.V., Kaminir O.N. The scheme of liquefied carbon dioxide production by membrane separation with recirculation system. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2024. No 1. p. 34-42. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-1-34-42
The article desribes the method of obtaining CO2 from a mixture of atmospheric gases, the information in the article is of scientific and applied value. The possibility of obtaining CO2 from the composition of atmospheric gases at low pressures (of the order of 0.5-1.0MPa) and temperatures in the range of 32-37 ℃ has been studied. The proposed scheme consists of modulating the gas mixture into «permeate»and «retentate»and modulating liquefaction, and is characterized first of all by the fact that at the beginning of the process, distributing the mixture of atmospheric gases occurs with the release of emissiongas carbondioxide.After the air mixture is sucked in by an oil-free screw compressor in the gas separation module, the output is «retentate»– CO2 and waste «permeate»(other gases). As a result of the process of single injection of gas into the receiver for gaseous air, it is recirculated by a screw dry compressor (pump) through the membrane unit until the CO2 concentration is at least 93-95%, after which the latter enters the liquefaction module.The article concludes that the amount of CO2 produced directly depends on the carbon dioxide recovery factor of the membrane filter. The unit cost of liquid CO2 obtained by the proposed method does not exceed the average market cost of liquid CO2, which is due, firstly, to the use of atmospheric air, which contained only 0.04% carbon dioxide in the volume fraction, and secondly, the use of membrane filters in a small amount as high-quality membrane filters would dramatically reduce the cost of a unit of liquid CO2.The developed scheme is promising for industrial installations for natural gas purification and production of liquefied and compressed inert gases, in which CO2 is a waste gas with a relatively high content in the «permeate», as well as for enterprises with an acute constant need for a stationary installation for the production of CO2.
The article desribes the method of obtaining CO2 from a mixture of atmospheric gases, the information in the article is of scientific and applied value. The possibility of obtaining CO2 from the composition of atmospheric gases at low pressures (of the order of 0.5-1.0MPa) and temperatures in the range of 32-37 ℃ has been studied. The proposed scheme consists of modulating the gas mixture into «permeate»and «retentate»and modulating liquefaction, and is characterized first of all by the fact that at the beginning of the process, distributing the mixture of atmospheric gases occurs with the release of emissiongas carbondioxide.After the air mixture is sucked in by an oil-free screw compressor in the gas separation module, the output is «retentate»– CO2 and waste «permeate»(other gases). As a result of the process of single injection of gas into the receiver for gaseous air, it is recirculated by a screw dry compressor (pump) through the membrane unit until the CO2 concentration is at least 93-95%, after which the latter enters the liquefaction module.The article concludes that the amount of CO2 produced directly depends on the carbon dioxide recovery factor of the membrane filter. The unit cost of liquid CO2 obtained by the proposed method does not exceed the average market cost of liquid CO2, which is due, firstly, to the use of atmospheric air, which contained only 0.04% carbon dioxide in the volume fraction, and secondly, the use of membrane filters in a small amount as high-quality membrane filters would dramatically reduce the cost of a unit of liquid CO2.The developed scheme is promising for industrial installations for natural gas purification and production of liquefied and compressed inert gases, in which CO2 is a waste gas with a relatively high content in the «permeate», as well as for enterprises with an acute constant need for a stationary installation for the production of CO2.
Keywords: carbon dioxide, obtaining CO2, separation of gases, liquefaction of gases, liquefied gases.