Possibility of replacing two-stage refrigeration compressors with low-speed ones
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-2-30-35
UDC 621.574
Busarov Sergey S., Nedovenchany Aleksey V., Kapelyukhovskaya Aleksandra A.
Keywords: low-speed compressor, condensation in the working chamber, working process, critical pressure, critical temperature, refrigeration machine, condenser, mathematical model, coefficient of performance, weight and size characteristics.
UDC 621.574
Possibility of replacing two-stage refrigeration compressors with low-speed ones
For citation: Busarov S.S., Nedovenchany A.V., Kapeluxovskaya A.A. Possibility of replacing two-stage refrigeration compressors with low-speed ones. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 4. p. 30-35. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-2-30-35
The paper examines the problem of improving refrigeration machines with two-stage compression by replacing a two-stage compressor with a single-stage low-speed one. Low-speed compressors have a compression operating process in which the equivalent polytropic index is close to unit. Accordingly, the temperature at the end of compression allows not to switch to multi-stage compression at a pressure ratio of 100 or more. The data on modeling the working process of R744 refrigerant are known, so it was chosen as the working fluid for the research. Theoretical studies have shown that the use of low-speed compressors allows to reduce power consumption by up to 25%, to increase the refrigeration coefficient by 30%, and at the same time to simplify significantly the design of the refrigeration machine with a gain in weight and size indicators of up to 20%.
The paper examines the problem of improving refrigeration machines with two-stage compression by replacing a two-stage compressor with a single-stage low-speed one. Low-speed compressors have a compression operating process in which the equivalent polytropic index is close to unit. Accordingly, the temperature at the end of compression allows not to switch to multi-stage compression at a pressure ratio of 100 or more. The data on modeling the working process of R744 refrigerant are known, so it was chosen as the working fluid for the research. Theoretical studies have shown that the use of low-speed compressors allows to reduce power consumption by up to 25%, to increase the refrigeration coefficient by 30%, and at the same time to simplify significantly the design of the refrigeration machine with a gain in weight and size indicators of up to 20%.
Keywords: low-speed compressor, condensation in the working chamber, working process, critical pressure, critical temperature, refrigeration machine, condenser, mathematical model, coefficient of performance, weight and size characteristics.