Helium purification system based on KDHPS-CC purifier for an ultracold neutron source based on superfluid helium
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-3-3-10
UDC 621.56
Vitaly A. Lyamkin, Anatoli P. Serebrov, Borodinov Grigoriy O., Artem O. Koptyukhov, Nedolyak Andrey A., Prudnikov Dmitriy V., Sirotin Aleksey V.
Keywords: ultracold neutron source, PIK reactor, superfluid helium, helium purification, cryocooler.
UDC 621.56
Helium purification system based on KDHPS-CC purifier for an ultracold neutron source based on superfluid helium
For citation: Lyamkin V.A., Serebrov A.P., Borodinov G.O., Koptyukhov A.O., Nedolyak A.A., Prudnikov D.V., Sirotin A.V.
Helium purification system based on KDHPS-CC purifier for an ultracold neutron source based on superfluid helium. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2024. No 3. p. 3-10. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-3-3-10
The article concerns an assessment of the KDHPS-CC helium purifier performance by the Chinese company CSIC Pride Cryogenics. The PIK reactor at the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Ruissia) is going to be equipped with a high-flux ultracold neutron source for fundamental physics research. For normal operation of the UCN source, it is necessary to maintain the purity of helium in the system at the level of 99.999%, which made by including a helium purification system in the technological complex. Currently, under the conditions of the sanctions, the only equipment available for purchase is the one from the Republic of China. The tests of the helium purifier showed a significant underestimation of the real performance of the purifier from the values declared by the manufacturer. The performance of the purifier was achieved only when the purity of the initial helium was above 99.5%. Results obtained from running the KDHPS-CC purifier show that 1% impurity in helium reduces the actual performance of the purifier by 10%.
The article concerns an assessment of the KDHPS-CC helium purifier performance by the Chinese company CSIC Pride Cryogenics. The PIK reactor at the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Ruissia) is going to be equipped with a high-flux ultracold neutron source for fundamental physics research. For normal operation of the UCN source, it is necessary to maintain the purity of helium in the system at the level of 99.999%, which made by including a helium purification system in the technological complex. Currently, under the conditions of the sanctions, the only equipment available for purchase is the one from the Republic of China. The tests of the helium purifier showed a significant underestimation of the real performance of the purifier from the values declared by the manufacturer. The performance of the purifier was achieved only when the purity of the initial helium was above 99.5%. Results obtained from running the KDHPS-CC purifier show that 1% impurity in helium reduces the actual performance of the purifier by 10%.
Keywords: ultracold neutron source, PIK reactor, superfluid helium, helium purification, cryocooler.