Operating processes of low-flow low-speed compressors on R600a freon
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-4-7-11
UDC 621.512
Busarov Sergey S., Busarov Igor S. , Kobylsky Roman E., Kapelyukhovskaya Aleksandra A., Sinitsyn Nikita G.
Keywords: long-stroke piston compressor, operating processes, measurement of instantaneous temperature and gas pressure, experimental studies of piston compressors, mathematical model, freon R600a.
UDC 621.512
Operating processes of low-flow low-speed compressors on R600a freon
For citation: Busarov S.S., Busarov I.S., Kobylsky R.E., Kapelyukhovskaya A.A., Sinitsyn N.G. Operating processes of low-flow low-speed compressors on R600a freon. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2024. No 4. p. 7-11. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-4-7-11
Nowadays, environmental compliance in refrigeration technology often comes to the fore. Instead of R12 freon, which is harmful to the ozone layer, R600a refrigerant is often used. The work under consideration indicates the prospect of using R600a refrigerant in single-stage refrigeration machines using a low-speed compressor. At the same time, to simulate work processes, it is necessary to clarify the calculation model. This can be done by conducting experimental studies and verifying the existing model of a low-speed compressor based on the results obtained. The results of the theoretical and natural experiments were compared, and the difference in the results did not exceed 8%.
Nowadays, environmental compliance in refrigeration technology often comes to the fore. Instead of R12 freon, which is harmful to the ozone layer, R600a refrigerant is often used. The work under consideration indicates the prospect of using R600a refrigerant in single-stage refrigeration machines using a low-speed compressor. At the same time, to simulate work processes, it is necessary to clarify the calculation model. This can be done by conducting experimental studies and verifying the existing model of a low-speed compressor based on the results obtained. The results of the theoretical and natural experiments were compared, and the difference in the results did not exceed 8%.
Keywords: long-stroke piston compressor, operating processes, measurement of instantaneous temperature and gas pressure, experimental studies of piston compressors, mathematical model, freon R600a.