Exergy analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration unit under variable operating conditions
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-4-25-31
UDC 621.56
Aleksandr A. Malyshev, Olga S. Malinina, Ignatiev Vitaly E.
Keywords: refrigeration unit, exergy analysis, boiling point, condensation temperature, exergy efficiency.
UDC 621.56
Exergy analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration unit under variable operating conditions
For citation: Malyshev A.A., Malinina O.S., Ignatiev V.E. . Exergy analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration unit under variable operating conditions. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2024. No 4. p. 25-31. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-4-25-31
An exergy analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration unit was performed under changing climatic and system parameters. The analysis was carried out for the climatic conditions of the North-Western region of Russia. The relationships between exergy efficiency were established both for the individual elements and the entire system. The influence of changes in boiling temperature on the efficiency of the refrigeration unit was revealed. It was established that a change in boiling temperature from –13 to –7 оС leads to a change in the exergy efficiency of the system by 10%. An increase in evaporator efficiency is observed as the ambient temperature increases. Exergy efficiency was determined for the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and the unit as a whole. The results obtained can be used for further analysis of refrigeration units to increase their efficiency.
An exergy analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration unit was performed under changing climatic and system parameters. The analysis was carried out for the climatic conditions of the North-Western region of Russia. The relationships between exergy efficiency were established both for the individual elements and the entire system. The influence of changes in boiling temperature on the efficiency of the refrigeration unit was revealed. It was established that a change in boiling temperature from –13 to –7 оС leads to a change in the exergy efficiency of the system by 10%. An increase in evaporator efficiency is observed as the ambient temperature increases. Exergy efficiency was determined for the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and the unit as a whole. The results obtained can be used for further analysis of refrigeration units to increase their efficiency.
Keywords: refrigeration unit, exergy analysis, boiling point, condensation temperature, exergy efficiency.