Semenuk U. V.

Zhelezny V. P., Semenuk U. V., Makvart A. S. Methods of forecasting pseudocritical characteristics for refrigerant-oil mixtures

The article was published in issue 1 of 2012

Zhelezny V. P., Semenuk U. V., Lukianov M. M., Nikulin A. G. Methodical peculiarities of the pool boiling processes investigations of nanofluids

The article was published in issue 3 of 2014

Semenuk U. V., Nichenko S. V., Zhelezny V. P., Sechenykh V. V. Experimental investigation of solubility of refrigerant R600a in compressor oil RenisoWF15A

The article was published in issue 1 of 2008

Sechenykh V. V., Semenuk U. V., Zhelezny V. P. Experimental investigation of average molecular mass and pressure of saturated vapors on the line of compressor oil boiling

The article was published in issue 3 of 2008

Zhelezny V. P., Semenuk U. V., Lozovskii T. L., Makvart A. S. Methods of forecasting pseudocritical characteristics for refrigerant-oil mixtures

The article was published in issue 1 of 2012

Zhelezny V. P., Semenuk U. V., Medvedev O. O. A technique for the calculation of surface tension of ozone safe refrigerant blends

The article was published in issue 3 of 2001

Sechenykh V. V., Semenuk U. V., Zhelezny V. P. The experimental and calculation investigation of viscosity of solutions R600a/»XMT AZMOL», R600a/RENISOWF 15 A and R245fa/PLANETELFACD 100FY

The article was published in issue 4 of 2007

Semenuk U. V., Ancherbak S. N., Zhelezny V. P., Grebenkov A. Zh., Belyaeva O. V. Investigation of saturated gas pressure, density, surface tension and critical parameters of the refrigerant R245fa

The article was published in issue 4 of 2006

Semenuk U. V., Protsenko D. A., Nichenko S. V., Zhelezny V. P. Ttiermodynamic properties of solutions R600a/compressor oil «XMI Azmol»

The article was published in issue 3 of 2007

Zhelezny V. P., Sechenykh V. V., Semenuk U. V., Ancherbak S. N., Цветков О. Н. Экспериментальное исследование теплофизических свойств компрессорных масел: MOGUL ONF 46, Planetelf ACD 100 FY, ХМИ АЗМОЛ, Lunaria FR 32, XC 15, XC 40

The article was published in issue 2 of 2007