Karavan S. V.

Work place:

Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет ИТМО Институт холода и биотехнологий


Канд. хим. наук

E-mail: oapinchuk@yandex.ru

Karavan S. V., Pinchuk O. A. Integral enthalpies and entropies of a lithium bromide water solution

The article was published in issue 4 of 2013

Karavan S. V., Dzino A. A., Aleksandr A. Malyshev, Karavan D. V. Enthalpy diagram of lithium bromide water solution

The article was published in issue 3 of 2012

Pinchuk O. A., Kostko A.F., Karavan S. V. Complexonate water treatment in small water circulation cooling systems

The article was published in issue 3 of 2020