V.A. Korotkov

Work place:

Saint-Petersburg state university of refrigeration and food engineering



E-mail: valdurtera@rambler.ru

Grigoryev K.A. , V.A. Korotkov Studies of supersonic vane diffuser performance

The article was published in issue 3 of 2010

Grigoryev K.A. , V.A. Korotkov, Voroshnin D. V. Application of up-to-date computation programmes to measure flow characteristics in centrifugal compressors

The article was published in issue 3 of 2011

V.A. Korotkov, Tatarenko U.V. The dimensionless characteristics of centrifugal compressor stage axial-radial impeller

The article was published in issue 4 of 2014

V.A. Korotkov, Tatarenko U.V. The use of axial-radial impellers in halocarbon refrigeration centrifugal compressors

The article was published in issue 3 of 2015

V.A. Korotkov, Tatarenko U.V., Panchenko A. V. , Markova K. M. Centrifugal compression stage performance with fluorocarbon refrigerants of different conditional isentropic exponents

The article was published in issue 2 of 2016