Analytical estimation of pre-freezing duration in vacuum freeze-drying of thermolabile materials
UDC 66.047.25:664
Semenov G. V., Venger K. P., Hussein Mohammed Margibie Slama
An analytical model for calculating the duration of the low-temperature freezing air from turboholodilnoy machine technology to vacuum freeze-drying. Used to model the heat balance integral method with a quadratic polynomial of the temperature distribution in the solution of the heat equation. The relative error of calculations in comparison with the experimental data was about 4 % for symmetric and 2 % for the asymmetric heat. Key words: mathematical model, freezing duration, Stephen’s problem, polynome, vaccum freeze drying, low temperature air, turborefrigeration machine. References 1. Bobkov A. V. Razrabotka protochnoj sistemy hladosnabzhenija tunnel'nogo skoromorozil'nogo apparata s ispol'zovaniem nizkotemperaturnogo vozduha ot turborefrizheratornoj ustanovki: Avtoref. dis… kand. tehn. nauk. – M.: Frantjera, 2004. 2. Aksel'rod I. L., Venger K. P., Antonov A. A. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoj akademii holoda. 2004. No 3.
Keywords: mathematical model, freezing duration, Stephen’s problem, polynome, vaccum freeze drying, low temperature air, turborefrigeration machine.
Analytical estimation of pre-freezing duration in vacuum freeze-drying of thermolabile materials
An analytical model for calculating the duration of the low-temperature freezing air from turboholodilnoy machine technology to vacuum freeze-drying. Used to model the heat balance integral method with a quadratic polynomial of the temperature distribution in the solution of the heat equation. The relative error of calculations in comparison with the experimental data was about 4 % for symmetric and 2 % for the asymmetric heat. Key words: mathematical model, freezing duration, Stephen’s problem, polynome, vaccum freeze drying, low temperature air, turborefrigeration machine. References 1. Bobkov A. V. Razrabotka protochnoj sistemy hladosnabzhenija tunnel'nogo skoromorozil'nogo apparata s ispol'zovaniem nizkotemperaturnogo vozduha ot turborefrizheratornoj ustanovki: Avtoref. dis… kand. tehn. nauk. – M.: Frantjera, 2004. 2. Aksel'rod I. L., Venger K. P., Antonov A. A. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoj akademii holoda. 2004. No 3.
Keywords: mathematical model, freezing duration, Stephen’s problem, polynome, vaccum freeze drying, low temperature air, turborefrigeration machine.