A physical model of heat pump desalters
UDC 621.577
Kalnyn I. M. , Zhernakov A. C., Pustovalov S. B.
The current stage of civilization development is characterized by an increasing deficit of sweet water. Salt water desalination is one of the most important problems of humanity. Desalters of different mechanisms are developed and used in the world. There are distillation (evaporating) and membrane desalters. Offered heat pump desalters (HPD) of salt water are a new type of evaporation desalters, in which generation and recuperation of heat phase transformations of water by using inverse thermodynamic cycle of heat pump with the low-boiling freon. In spite of the existence of patents and some publications on the heat pump desalters, their physical model, opening patterns and correlation of processes is not developed. This paper is reported results of the analysis processes of heat pump desalter and its physical model, which build into the calculation and design.
Keywords: salt water desalination, heat pump, thermodynamic cycle, generation and recuperation of heat, evaporator desalter, physical model of desalter, heat transfer
A physical model of heat pump desalters
The current stage of civilization development is characterized by an increasing deficit of sweet water. Salt water desalination is one of the most important problems of humanity. Desalters of different mechanisms are developed and used in the world. There are distillation (evaporating) and membrane desalters. Offered heat pump desalters (HPD) of salt water are a new type of evaporation desalters, in which generation and recuperation of heat phase transformations of water by using inverse thermodynamic cycle of heat pump with the low-boiling freon. In spite of the existence of patents and some publications on the heat pump desalters, their physical model, opening patterns and correlation of processes is not developed. This paper is reported results of the analysis processes of heat pump desalter and its physical model, which build into the calculation and design.
Keywords: salt water desalination, heat pump, thermodynamic cycle, generation and recuperation of heat, evaporator desalter, physical model of desalter, heat transfer