Heat-mass transfer in industrial production processes of vacuum sublimation dehydration with regard to the contact conditions
Semenov G. V., Bulkin M.S., Melamed L. E., Tropkina A. I.
It is considered the vacuum sublimation dehydration process of thermolabile materials situated in the glass containers under the condition of heat supply from flat heating surface. The mathematical model of dehydration process is presented. It takes into account the influence of drained carcass and its possible deformation. It is developed the methodology of influence estimation of contacting type on the duration of dehydration with regard to real industrial production conditions. It is accomplished the experiments detecting the influence estimation of contacting type between heating surface and containers with production on heat transfer by atmospheric pressure and by vacuum. The comparative calculations of vacuum sublimation process for different heat flux in contact zone are performed.
Keywords: sublimation, heat-mass transfer, thermolabile materials, mathematical simulation
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Heat-mass transfer in industrial production processes of vacuum sublimation dehydration with regard to the contact conditions
It is considered the vacuum sublimation dehydration process of thermolabile materials situated in the glass containers under the condition of heat supply from flat heating surface. The mathematical model of dehydration process is presented. It takes into account the influence of drained carcass and its possible deformation. It is developed the methodology of influence estimation of contacting type on the duration of dehydration with regard to real industrial production conditions. It is accomplished the experiments detecting the influence estimation of contacting type between heating surface and containers with production on heat transfer by atmospheric pressure and by vacuum. The comparative calculations of vacuum sublimation process for different heat flux in contact zone are performed.
Keywords: sublimation, heat-mass transfer, thermolabile materials, mathematical simulation
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