Reactions of infusorian Stylonychia mytilus on factors of safety of the sterilized fish canned food under the contents benz(a)pyren
UDC 664.951:57.084.1
Mezenova O. Ya., Potapov P. P., Ruleva Т. N.
The analysis of physiology of a feed and specificity of biological development of infusorians Stylonychia mytilus is lead. Features of revealing of a level of safety of the sterilized fish canned food potentially containing in quantity benz(a)pyren, exceeding a normative level, by a method of biotesting on infusorians Stylonychia mytilus are proved in view of influence of accompanying substances. Conclusions about impossibility of the control of a level benz(a)pyren in the limits established by normative documents, with use Stylonychia mytilus are made at a daily exposition.
Keywords: benz(a)pyren, control, biotesting, infusorians, Stylonychia mytilus.
Reactions of infusorian Stylonychia mytilus on factors of safety of the sterilized fish canned food under the contents benz(a)pyren
The analysis of physiology of a feed and specificity of biological development of infusorians Stylonychia mytilus is lead. Features of revealing of a level of safety of the sterilized fish canned food potentially containing in quantity benz(a)pyren, exceeding a normative level, by a method of biotesting on infusorians Stylonychia mytilus are proved in view of influence of accompanying substances. Conclusions about impossibility of the control of a level benz(a)pyren in the limits established by normative documents, with use Stylonychia mytilus are made at a daily exposition.
Keywords: benz(a)pyren, control, biotesting, infusorians, Stylonychia mytilus.