Cryogenic surgery in treatment of pancreatic cancer
UDC 616.37-089(035)
Bagautdinov Sh. M. , Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Fadeev R.V., Anisimova А. V., Dinikin M.S., Vashkurov. S.M.
Pancreatic cancer is ranked among the most frequently occurring oncologic diseases; therefore its treatment is one of the pressing problems of modern oncology. Low 5-year survival rate after radical pancreatic surgeries, high percentage of post-surgical complications, as well as presence of an explicit pain syndrome with inoperable tumors, all stimulate search for new methods to improve the efficacy of operational surgeries in patients with pancreatic cancer. Therefore, implementation of cryogenic surgery in treatment of pancreatic cancer significantly increases the efficacy of surgical therapy, potentially leading to improvement as a long-term outcome.
Keywords: pancreatic cancer, cryosurgery.
Cryogenic surgery in treatment of pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer is ranked among the most frequently occurring oncologic diseases; therefore its treatment is one of the pressing problems of modern oncology. Low 5-year survival rate after radical pancreatic surgeries, high percentage of post-surgical complications, as well as presence of an explicit pain syndrome with inoperable tumors, all stimulate search for new methods to improve the efficacy of operational surgeries in patients with pancreatic cancer. Therefore, implementation of cryogenic surgery in treatment of pancreatic cancer significantly increases the efficacy of surgical therapy, potentially leading to improvement as a long-term outcome.
Keywords: pancreatic cancer, cryosurgery.