Fadeev R.V.

Bagautdinov Sh. M. , Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Fadeev R.V., Anisimova А. V., Dinikin M.S., Vashkurov. S.M. Cryogenic surgery in treatment of pancreatic cancer

The article was published in issue 2 of 2011

Khanevich M. D., Dinikin M.S., Fadeev R.V., Jusifov S. A. , Manikhas G. M., Fridman M.F. Therapy by freezing at removal of hepatic metastasises cancer of a thick gut

The article was published in issue 4 of 2011

Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Jusifov S. A. , Fadeev R.V., Dinikin M.S. Cryosurgery against inoperable pancreatic cancer

The article was published in issue 2 of 2012

Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Dinikin M.S., Jusifov S. A. , Fedosenko K. V., Fadeev R.V. The effect of local cryogenic treatment on the morpho-functional state of the pancreas

The article was published in issue 2 of 2013