Therapy by freezing at removal of hepatic metastasises cancer of a thick gut

UDC 616.37-089(035)

Therapy by freezing at removal of hepatic metastasises cancer of a thick gut

Khanevich M. D., Dinikin M.S., Fadeev R.V., Jusifov S. A. , Manikhas G. M., Fridman M.F.

The liver is the most common site of distant metastasis from colorectal cancer. Basic methods of treatment of liver metastases are hernihepatectomy, atypical hepatectomy and segmentectomy. In order to improve efficiency of liver surgery, 29 patients have undergone cryotherapy. This method promotes decrease in continued growth of metastases and tumor redevelopment.

Keywords: colorectal cancer, liver metastases, surgery, cryotherapy.

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