Substitution of the R22 refrigerant with alternative ones in the regions with high outdoor temperatures
UDC 621.56
Alexandr P. Tsoy, Tsoy D. A., Filatov A.V.
The R22 refrigerant, because of its effect on the Earth’s ozone layer (ODP = 0.05), should not be used in the long run, as set forth in the government regulations over the turnover of ozone-depleting substances and products containing them. Based on the survey results, a conclusion has been made that the most acceptable substitutes for R22 are the refrigerants R404А, R407, R507 and R134a. Since the specified condensation temperature for refrigerating machinery is 65°C, some the reviewed refrigerants (R404А, R407В, R507) have higher condensing pressures than R22 by ca. 19%. Thus, for the said temperature conditions it is recommended to use R134a, as this refrigerant’s condensing pressure is 30% less than that of R22.
Keywords: ozone depletion potential (ODP), ozone-depleting substances, hydrofluorocarbons HFC), haloid-free, chlorine-free.
Substitution of the R22 refrigerant with alternative ones in the regions with high outdoor temperatures
The R22 refrigerant, because of its effect on the Earth’s ozone layer (ODP = 0.05), should not be used in the long run, as set forth in the government regulations over the turnover of ozone-depleting substances and products containing them. Based on the survey results, a conclusion has been made that the most acceptable substitutes for R22 are the refrigerants R404А, R407, R507 and R134a. Since the specified condensation temperature for refrigerating machinery is 65°C, some the reviewed refrigerants (R404А, R407В, R507) have higher condensing pressures than R22 by ca. 19%. Thus, for the said temperature conditions it is recommended to use R134a, as this refrigerant’s condensing pressure is 30% less than that of R22.
Keywords: ozone depletion potential (ODP), ozone-depleting substances, hydrofluorocarbons HFC), haloid-free, chlorine-free.