Possible use of enzymes to produce semi-finished products from meat trimmings
UDC 664.91:637.52
Ishevskii A.L. , Karlova V. A.
There is a possibility to obtain lump-sized meat products with an affordable price–quality balance using the enzymes to modify the properties of raw materials and adjust the quality of ready products. Experimental data of physical and chemical properties are presented as the base for technological recommendations concerning the use of transglutaminase to produce natural semi-finished products from meat trimming.
Keywords: protein-containing offal, meat trimmings, transglutaminase, cross-links, modification of food proteins, textured products.
Possible use of enzymes to produce semi-finished products from meat trimmings
There is a possibility to obtain lump-sized meat products with an affordable price–quality balance using the enzymes to modify the properties of raw materials and adjust the quality of ready products. Experimental data of physical and chemical properties are presented as the base for technological recommendations concerning the use of transglutaminase to produce natural semi-finished products from meat trimming.
Keywords: protein-containing offal, meat trimmings, transglutaminase, cross-links, modification of food proteins, textured products.