Cryosurgery against inoperable pancreatic cancer
UDC 616.37-089(035)
Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Jusifov S. A. , Fadeev R.V., Dinikin M.S.
Forty-four patients with advanced pancreatic cancer were studied for the effect of cryosurgery. Cryosurgical effect was observed in life span prolongation, pain syndrome mitigation and preparation for radical resection.
Keywords: pancreatic cancer, cryosurgery, pain syndrome.
Cryosurgery against inoperable pancreatic cancer
Forty-four patients with advanced pancreatic cancer were studied for the effect of cryosurgery. Cryosurgical effect was observed in life span prolongation, pain syndrome mitigation and preparation for radical resection.
Keywords: pancreatic cancer, cryosurgery, pain syndrome.