Improvement of monitoring and control based on the use of entropy potentials. Adaptation to biotechnology

UDC 637.52(075)

Improvement of monitoring and control based on the use of entropy potentials. Adaptation to biotechnology

Lazarev V. L.

The paper describes an approach to organization of monitoring and control based on the use of information portraits and portraits of systems in the space of entropy potentials’ characteristics. The proposed technologies of information portrait construction are also based on the use of the same characteristics. Assumptions and methods of entropy potentials’ theory of are used as a basis of the developed approach. The results allow obtaining informative display status for systems that are useful for monitoring and management of equipment and robust control. We offer solutions for research and decision making in management adapted to the characterof biotechnology industry. This area in question is characterized by the presence of a priori uncertainty. This problem arose from the difficult and expensiveanalyses of composition and properties for raw materials, ingredients and finished products.That results in the lack of measurement datafor monitoring and control. To illustrate the perspectives of the proposed method a case study of refrigerating chamber temperature mode monitoring and control in different conditions and under different perturbation actions is considered.

Keywords: theory of entropy potentials, information models, monitoring, control.

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