The hybrid cooling system of onboard infrared detectors on the basis of vortex and thermoelectric effects
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-2-31-37
UDC 621.57
Barbonov E.О., Biryuk V.V., Gajnullin M.N., Sotova V.A., Chertykovtsev P.A.
Keywords: hybrid cooling system, vortex tube, thermoelectric module, exergy efficiency of system.
UDC 621.57
The hybrid cooling system of onboard infrared detectors on the basis of vortex and thermoelectric effects
For citation: Barbonov E.О., Biryuk V.V., Gajnullin M.N., Sotova V.A., Chertykovtsev P.A. The hybrid cooling system of onboard infra-red detectors on the basis of vortex and thermoelectric effects. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2017. No 2. p. 31-37
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate a scheme for onboard infrared detectors on the basis of vortex and thermoelectric effects. A calculation of vortex tube for cooling monolithic device with the power Wk = 100 W was carried out. Required temperature of cold stream is Тх= –30 оС and admissible heating that indicator would not exceed ∆tk = 10 оСat the pressure pх= 0.1 MPa. The air temperature at the entrance to the vortex tube is Т1= 20 оС. A calculation of geometrical parameters of the vortex tube was carried out. Calculation of characteristics for the thermoelectric module and cooling system in KRYOTHERM program is carried out. According to the calculation results TB-4-(59-31-11-4)-1.5 four-stage module made by Russian KRYOTHERM company is chosen. This module is capable to provide a difference of temperatures ∆Tmax = 118 K at the following parameters: Imax = 0.8 A; Umax = 6.9 V; Rac = 3.48 Ohm; Qmax = 0.4 W. The hybrid cooling system was offered on the basis of data obtained from numerical modeling for rotor bundle of the vortex tube in the ANSYS program and selection of the optimum thermoelectric module in KRYOTHERM program. Article presents analysis of energy efficiency of the cooling system in question.
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate a scheme for onboard infrared detectors on the basis of vortex and thermoelectric effects. A calculation of vortex tube for cooling monolithic device with the power Wk = 100 W was carried out. Required temperature of cold stream is Тх= –30 оС and admissible heating that indicator would not exceed ∆tk = 10 оСat the pressure pх= 0.1 MPa. The air temperature at the entrance to the vortex tube is Т1= 20 оС. A calculation of geometrical parameters of the vortex tube was carried out. Calculation of characteristics for the thermoelectric module and cooling system in KRYOTHERM program is carried out. According to the calculation results TB-4-(59-31-11-4)-1.5 four-stage module made by Russian KRYOTHERM company is chosen. This module is capable to provide a difference of temperatures ∆Tmax = 118 K at the following parameters: Imax = 0.8 A; Umax = 6.9 V; Rac = 3.48 Ohm; Qmax = 0.4 W. The hybrid cooling system was offered on the basis of data obtained from numerical modeling for rotor bundle of the vortex tube in the ANSYS program and selection of the optimum thermoelectric module in KRYOTHERM program. Article presents analysis of energy efficiency of the cooling system in question.
Keywords: hybrid cooling system, vortex tube, thermoelectric module, exergy efficiency of system.