Isomaltulose in the technology of ice cream form fermented milk
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2017-16-4-24-29
UDC 663.674:637.146
Bogdanova E.V., Ponomarev A.N., Melnikova E.I., Samoilenko A.V.
Keywords: fermented milk ice cream, isomaltulose, microstructure, formation and distribution of air bubbles and ice crystals.
UDC 663.674:637.146
Isomaltulose in the technology of ice cream form fermented milk
For citation: Bogdanova E.V., Ponomarev A.N., Melnikova E.I., Samoilenko A.V. Isomaltulose in the technology of ice cream form fermented milk. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2017. No 4. p. 24-29
The purpose of the research was to develop a formula-component solution of fermented ice cream with isomaltulose and to study the effect of sucrose replacement on the process of freezing and formation of the finished product structure. When devlopingthe ice cream formulation with isomaltulose the main task was to determine a ratio of ingredients that would guaranteenot only high organoleptic characteristics of the product but also standard physicochemical parameters. The mass fraction of carbohydrates was increased by 50% in the formulation of the developed fermented milk ice cream due to the different coefficients of the sweetness of sucrose and isomaltulose (1.0 and 0.5 units of SES, respectively). It was found that the increasing the content of disaccharides in ice cream mixture by 1% leads to decreasing cryoscopic temperature by 0.1 °C on average and causes changes of the crystallization process of the main components inbuttermilk phase. The reduced cryoscopic temperature of the test sample (–7.32 ºС) promotes the formation of homogeneous ice crystals (with an average diameter of 25 mcm) and reducing the rate of diffusion of water molecules in the buttermilkphase of ice cream at the freezer’s outlet. This leads to a significant limitation of the recrystallization process, which is possible if the temperature conditions of storage of the finished product are violated. The using of isomaltulose in the technology of fermented milk ice cream allows to obtain the finished product with low glycemic index (2% relative to glucose) and prebiotic properties, which are resistant to the occurrence of such defects as “iceiness” and “sandiness” as well as oxidative damage during storage. The technology of fermented ice cream, produced with complete replacement of sucrose by isomaltulose, involves the using of commercially available equipment and does not complicate the manufacturing process.
The purpose of the research was to develop a formula-component solution of fermented ice cream with isomaltulose and to study the effect of sucrose replacement on the process of freezing and formation of the finished product structure. When devlopingthe ice cream formulation with isomaltulose the main task was to determine a ratio of ingredients that would guaranteenot only high organoleptic characteristics of the product but also standard physicochemical parameters. The mass fraction of carbohydrates was increased by 50% in the formulation of the developed fermented milk ice cream due to the different coefficients of the sweetness of sucrose and isomaltulose (1.0 and 0.5 units of SES, respectively). It was found that the increasing the content of disaccharides in ice cream mixture by 1% leads to decreasing cryoscopic temperature by 0.1 °C on average and causes changes of the crystallization process of the main components inbuttermilk phase. The reduced cryoscopic temperature of the test sample (–7.32 ºС) promotes the formation of homogeneous ice crystals (with an average diameter of 25 mcm) and reducing the rate of diffusion of water molecules in the buttermilkphase of ice cream at the freezer’s outlet. This leads to a significant limitation of the recrystallization process, which is possible if the temperature conditions of storage of the finished product are violated. The using of isomaltulose in the technology of fermented milk ice cream allows to obtain the finished product with low glycemic index (2% relative to glucose) and prebiotic properties, which are resistant to the occurrence of such defects as “iceiness” and “sandiness” as well as oxidative damage during storage. The technology of fermented ice cream, produced with complete replacement of sucrose by isomaltulose, involves the using of commercially available equipment and does not complicate the manufacturing process.
Keywords: fermented milk ice cream, isomaltulose, microstructure, formation and distribution of air bubbles and ice crystals.