Accumulation of selenium during the cultivation of amaranth
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2018-17-1-48-53
UDC 635.262:577.17.049:631.811
Muravyov K.Y., Barakova N.V., Khomyakov Y.V., Panova G.G.
Keywords: amaranth, organic selenium, selenium fortification, biologically active compounds, cultivation under controlled conditions.
UDC 635.262:577.17.049:631.811
Accumulation of selenium during the cultivation of amaranth
For citation: Muravyov K.Y., Barakova N.V., Khomyakov Y.V., Panova G.G. Accumulation of selenium during the cultivation of amaranth. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2018. No 1. p. 48-53
Accumulation of selenium in stems and leaves, as well as the gain of biomass, are studied in vegetating amaranth. Kharkovsky-1 amaranth variety was cultivated in surface turf under controlled conditions at the temperature of 20-24 C and 65-75% humidity. Selenium was introduced via sprinkling solutions with different dosage of sodium selenate on the stems and leaves. Cultivation was carried out for five weeks in a vegetation light installation under artificial light on a biopolite of FGBONA AFI with regulated conditions.The dynamics of the growth rate of plant biomass was estimated. At the end of the vegetative experiment, the content of selenium was determined using an atomic-adsorption spectrophotometer. Sodium selenate dosage of 0.5 mg/dm3 was found to be the most effective. The dosage not only leads to more rapid selenium uptake by the plants, but it neither halts their growth nor detriments their tissues. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of plant fortification with selenium and may be used in cultivation of amaranth as a source of food and biologically active compounds including organic selenium.
Accumulation of selenium in stems and leaves, as well as the gain of biomass, are studied in vegetating amaranth. Kharkovsky-1 amaranth variety was cultivated in surface turf under controlled conditions at the temperature of 20-24 C and 65-75% humidity. Selenium was introduced via sprinkling solutions with different dosage of sodium selenate on the stems and leaves. Cultivation was carried out for five weeks in a vegetation light installation under artificial light on a biopolite of FGBONA AFI with regulated conditions.The dynamics of the growth rate of plant biomass was estimated. At the end of the vegetative experiment, the content of selenium was determined using an atomic-adsorption spectrophotometer. Sodium selenate dosage of 0.5 mg/dm3 was found to be the most effective. The dosage not only leads to more rapid selenium uptake by the plants, but it neither halts their growth nor detriments their tissues. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of plant fortification with selenium and may be used in cultivation of amaranth as a source of food and biologically active compounds including organic selenium.
Keywords: amaranth, organic selenium, selenium fortification, biologically active compounds, cultivation under controlled conditions.