Modeling the freezing process of flat meat products
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2019-18-1-46-51
UDC 637.5.037
Babakin B. S., Voronin M. I., Semenov E.V., Babakin S. B., Belozerov A.G., Suchkov A.N.
Keywords: meat product, frozen zone, cooled zone, heat transfer, temperature.
UDC 637.5.037
Modeling the freezing process of flat meat products
For citation: Babakin B.S., Voronin M.I., Semenov E.V., Babakin S.B., Belozerov A.G., Suchkov A.N. Modeling the freezing process of flat meat products. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2019. No 1. p.
The process of freezing meat products with flat-shaped plates of meat is investigated. The problem of the formation of the frozen and cooled zones for the investigated substance of biological origin is interpreted as the problem of heat exchange between the isolated zones complicated by a change in the aggregate state of the medium. In this case, the thermophysical coefficients on the boundaries of the medium are assumed to vary stepwise, for which additional heat (condensation, evaporation) is required on the transitions. Based on the model of the conjugate heat transfer problem, formulated as the Stefan problem for two unbounded plate media, simulating two zones of a meat product in two different aggregate states - frozen and cooled is carried out. The quantitative dependence between the time of the product complete freezing and both its thickness and the boundary values of the temperature parameters of the cooling process is shown.
The process of freezing meat products with flat-shaped plates of meat is investigated. The problem of the formation of the frozen and cooled zones for the investigated substance of biological origin is interpreted as the problem of heat exchange between the isolated zones complicated by a change in the aggregate state of the medium. In this case, the thermophysical coefficients on the boundaries of the medium are assumed to vary stepwise, for which additional heat (condensation, evaporation) is required on the transitions. Based on the model of the conjugate heat transfer problem, formulated as the Stefan problem for two unbounded plate media, simulating two zones of a meat product in two different aggregate states - frozen and cooled is carried out. The quantitative dependence between the time of the product complete freezing and both its thickness and the boundary values of the temperature parameters of the cooling process is shown.
Keywords: meat product, frozen zone, cooled zone, heat transfer, temperature.