Efficiency of microwave blanching and mild pasteurization in production of pear compote for infant food
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2019-18-4-71-77
UDC 664.8.036.62
Azadovа E. F., Akhmedov M. E., Demirova A. F.
Keywords: compote, apparatus, heating, quality, pasteurization mode.
UDC 664.8.036.62
Efficiency of microwave blanching and mild pasteurization in production of pear compote for infant food
For citation: Azadova E.F., Akhmedov M.E., Demirova A.F. Efficiency of microwave blanching and mild pasteurization in production of pear compote for infant food. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2019. No 4. p.71-77
The article deals with new techniques in pear compote production for infant food based on new way of fruits’ pre-treatment by electromagnetic fields of ultra-high frequency and mild pasteurization. The efficiency of short-time processing of fruits in electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency instead of their blanching in various technological liquids is substantiated. For implementation of the technique an apparatus for heat treatment of fruit and vegetable canned food in electromagnetic fields of ultra-high frequency have been developed and used.New pasteurization modes of pear compote for infant food have been developed based on the new pasteurization method, when the location of the least heated point of the food in jar is changed periodically due to periodical turning the jar (bottom up and down) during heat treatment. The technique intensifies the heat treatment process and, therefore, reduces pasteurization time and increases the quality of the finished product in terms of the content of biologically active components. A mathematical model for microwave blanching of fruits on jars is obtained, which allows determining temperature level of product before jar sealing depending on the time of treatment by electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency and its power. Complex evaluation of the research results proves the efficiency of the proposed techniques for canned infant food production, providing both safety and quality if the finished product.
The article deals with new techniques in pear compote production for infant food based on new way of fruits’ pre-treatment by electromagnetic fields of ultra-high frequency and mild pasteurization. The efficiency of short-time processing of fruits in electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency instead of their blanching in various technological liquids is substantiated. For implementation of the technique an apparatus for heat treatment of fruit and vegetable canned food in electromagnetic fields of ultra-high frequency have been developed and used.New pasteurization modes of pear compote for infant food have been developed based on the new pasteurization method, when the location of the least heated point of the food in jar is changed periodically due to periodical turning the jar (bottom up and down) during heat treatment. The technique intensifies the heat treatment process and, therefore, reduces pasteurization time and increases the quality of the finished product in terms of the content of biologically active components. A mathematical model for microwave blanching of fruits on jars is obtained, which allows determining temperature level of product before jar sealing depending on the time of treatment by electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency and its power. Complex evaluation of the research results proves the efficiency of the proposed techniques for canned infant food production, providing both safety and quality if the finished product.
Keywords: compote, apparatus, heating, quality, pasteurization mode.