Comparative optico-electrochemical research of pro- and antibiotic properties of water plant extracts
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2020-19-1-75-83
UDC 663, 664, 613.2, 547.9, 57.044, 57.083.1, 543.95, 543.55, 543.424
Vladimir S.Sibirtsev , Chekanov M.A., Ulyana Yu. Nechiporenko, Aleksandra Yu. Maslova, Gulkov Evgenij G., Radin Mixail A.
Keywords: microbiological biotesting, biotic properties, plant extracts.
UDC 663, 664, 613.2, 547.9, 57.044, 57.083.1, 543.95, 543.55, 543.424
Comparative optico-electrochemical research of pro- and antibiotic properties of water plant extracts
For citation: Sibirtsev V.S., Chekanov M.A., Nechiporenko U.Yu., Maslova A.Yu., Gulkov E.G., Radin M.A. Comparative optico-electrochemical research of pro- and antibiotic properties of water plant extracts. Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoi akademii kholoda. 2020. No 1. p. 75-83
A biotesting technique is described, which provides for recording changes in the intensity of elastic light scattering, pH, and electrical conductivity of samples with viable test microorganisms incubated in a liquid nutrient medium in the presence and absence of test factors. The results of the analysis using this technique of pro- and antibiotic activity of different concentrations of aqueous extracts obtained in different ways from various plant materials are presented. The results allow us to conclude that, while using the technique presented, it is possible to evaluate the impact on the dynamics of the vital activity for various microorganisms of food samples and other products and additives in a more significant, expressive, objective, and informative way than while using standard visual methods of microbiotesting. At the same time the evaluation is less time-consuming and material-intensive. Different biologically active substances (BAS) can be extracted from different parts of different plants in different ways. Different test organisms have different sensitivity to different BAS. In the preparation of aqueous plant extracts, it is preferable to carry out their short-term heating, which can significantly reduce the extraction time; while prolonged heating significantly reduces the biological activity of the extracted substances. Short-term biotic activity of the tested extracts(TE)is shown to be usually significantly greater than their long-term activity. The medium-term biotic activity of TE often exceeds not only their long-term, but also short-term activity. And with a decrease in the concentration of the TE in the test medium, their antibiotic activity usually decreases, and the probiotic activity could both decrease and increase.
A biotesting technique is described, which provides for recording changes in the intensity of elastic light scattering, pH, and electrical conductivity of samples with viable test microorganisms incubated in a liquid nutrient medium in the presence and absence of test factors. The results of the analysis using this technique of pro- and antibiotic activity of different concentrations of aqueous extracts obtained in different ways from various plant materials are presented. The results allow us to conclude that, while using the technique presented, it is possible to evaluate the impact on the dynamics of the vital activity for various microorganisms of food samples and other products and additives in a more significant, expressive, objective, and informative way than while using standard visual methods of microbiotesting. At the same time the evaluation is less time-consuming and material-intensive. Different biologically active substances (BAS) can be extracted from different parts of different plants in different ways. Different test organisms have different sensitivity to different BAS. In the preparation of aqueous plant extracts, it is preferable to carry out their short-term heating, which can significantly reduce the extraction time; while prolonged heating significantly reduces the biological activity of the extracted substances. Short-term biotic activity of the tested extracts(TE)is shown to be usually significantly greater than their long-term activity. The medium-term biotic activity of TE often exceeds not only their long-term, but also short-term activity. And with a decrease in the concentration of the TE in the test medium, their antibiotic activity usually decreases, and the probiotic activity could both decrease and increase.
Keywords: microbiological biotesting, biotic properties, plant extracts.