The properties of edible packaging based on apple puree with addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-1-66-73
UDC 664.856:634.11
Makarova N.V. , Eremeeva N.B.
Keywords: food packaging, edible packaging, applesauce, carrot, pepper, tomatoes, beet, apple, cranberry, apricot, organoleptic indicators, water absorption, resistance
UDC 664.856:634.11
The properties of edible packaging based on apple puree with addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials
For citation: Makarova N.V., Eremeeva N.B. The properties of edible packaging based on apple puree with addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2021. No 1. p. 66-73. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-1-66-73
A technology for the production of edible packaging based on applesauce with the addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials has been developed. As a result of research, a technology was developed for the production of edible glasses based on applesauce with the addition of dried apple, apricot, cranberry, bell pepper, tomatoes, carrot, and beet. A comparative assessment of the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of edible glasses based on applesauce with the addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials has been made. Organoleptic indicators, moisture content, water absorption capacity, and resistance to model liquids (distilled water with a temperature of 20-25 °C; distilled water with an initial temperature of 90-95 °C; 5% aqueous solution of sodium chloride with a temperature of 20 -25 °C; 5% aqueous citric acid solution with a temperature of 20-25 °C) have been determined for the samples of edible packaging and microscopic examination of their surface has been peeformed. Thus, as a result of a study of the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of edible packaging based on apple raw materials with the addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials, it was found that the most optimal physico-chemical indicators and mechanical properties of the glass are observed at the highest degree of grinding of dried fruit / vegetable additives and increasing the degree of coverage of the surface area of the edible glass with the additive.
A technology for the production of edible packaging based on applesauce with the addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials has been developed. As a result of research, a technology was developed for the production of edible glasses based on applesauce with the addition of dried apple, apricot, cranberry, bell pepper, tomatoes, carrot, and beet. A comparative assessment of the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of edible glasses based on applesauce with the addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials has been made. Organoleptic indicators, moisture content, water absorption capacity, and resistance to model liquids (distilled water with a temperature of 20-25 °C; distilled water with an initial temperature of 90-95 °C; 5% aqueous solution of sodium chloride with a temperature of 20 -25 °C; 5% aqueous citric acid solution with a temperature of 20-25 °C) have been determined for the samples of edible packaging and microscopic examination of their surface has been peeformed. Thus, as a result of a study of the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of edible packaging based on apple raw materials with the addition of dried fruit and vegetable raw materials, it was found that the most optimal physico-chemical indicators and mechanical properties of the glass are observed at the highest degree of grinding of dried fruit / vegetable additives and increasing the degree of coverage of the surface area of the edible glass with the additive.
Keywords: food packaging, edible packaging, applesauce, carrot, pepper, tomatoes, beet, apple, cranberry, apricot, organoleptic indicators, water absorption, resistance