Selection of effective cargo containment systems (LNG) for self-propelled and tug and barge transport
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-39-44
UDC 621.642.2
Ivanov Lev V., Baranov Aleksandr Yu.
Keywords: LNG river transportation, cargo containment system (CCS), drainless storage, boil-off gas (BOG).
UDC 621.642.2
Selection of effective cargo containment systems (LNG) for self-propelled and tug and barge transport
For citation: Ivanov L.V., Baranov A.Yu. Selection of effective cargo containment systems (LNG) for self-propelled and tug and barge transport. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2021. No 2. p. 39-44. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-39-44
Diesel fuel (DF) is the main source of energy for settlements in the north of Russia. Taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, the delivery of energy resources is an important element of the campaign called "northern deliveries". Diesel fuel production territories are located at a great distance from the northern territories of Russia; therefore, the logistics of diesel fuel as an energy carrier is organized very costly. An alternative and promising energy carrier for this region is liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is cheaper, more energy efficient and more environmentally friendly than diesel fuel. LNG is produced in the northern regions of Russia, which makes it possible to shorten the delivery leg. The only rational way of transporting energy resources in the northern regions is river transport. But to organize the transportation of LNG by river vessels, it is necessary to solve a number of problems. The choice of effective cargo containment systems (LNG) for self-propelled and tow-barge transport is of utmost importance. A rational solution to this problem is the reconstruction of ships of the "river-sea" class for the needs of LNG transportation.
Diesel fuel (DF) is the main source of energy for settlements in the north of Russia. Taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, the delivery of energy resources is an important element of the campaign called "northern deliveries". Diesel fuel production territories are located at a great distance from the northern territories of Russia; therefore, the logistics of diesel fuel as an energy carrier is organized very costly. An alternative and promising energy carrier for this region is liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is cheaper, more energy efficient and more environmentally friendly than diesel fuel. LNG is produced in the northern regions of Russia, which makes it possible to shorten the delivery leg. The only rational way of transporting energy resources in the northern regions is river transport. But to organize the transportation of LNG by river vessels, it is necessary to solve a number of problems. The choice of effective cargo containment systems (LNG) for self-propelled and tow-barge transport is of utmost importance. A rational solution to this problem is the reconstruction of ships of the "river-sea" class for the needs of LNG transportation.
Keywords: LNG river transportation, cargo containment system (CCS), drainless storage, boil-off gas (BOG).