Improving performance characteristics of mobile low power heating blocks
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-45-49
UDC 602
Yermoshin Nikolay A., Mokrushin Aleksandr S., Kashtanov Yuri Yu.
Keywords: constructive change, heat block, heat transfer, pyrolysis combustion, small kitchen.
UDC 602
Improving performance characteristics of mobile low power heating blocks
For citation: Yermoshin N.A., Mokrushin A.S., Kashtanov Yu.Yu. Improving performance characteristics of mobile low power heating blocks. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2021. No 2. p. 45-49. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-45-49
A complex of technical and technological solutions for the modification of technical means for food production is proposed. The modification provides for constructive changes in the heating blocks of mobile food preparation complexes. The purpose of the design changes in small-displacement heating units is to increase their versatility for cooking hot food, boiling water, and heating canned food using all types of fuel (solid, liquid, and gaseous), including fuels with a low calorific value (wood chips, straw, moss, etc.). The design provides an increase in the efficiency of fuel use due to the effect of afterburning of exhaust gases. A distinctive feature of the proposed technical and technological solutions lies in the substantiation of the structural elements of a mobile food preparation tool, which provides an increase in the functionality of cooking with a minimum calorific value of the fuel by reducing heat loss and thermal conductivity of the housing walls, increasing the heat transfer of combustible fuel and implementing the method of pyrolysis combustion of solid fuel. The developed structural elements of thermal blocks ensure their mobility, reliable operation in conditions of severe frosts, winds, and rarefied air; saving energy consumption; efficiency of work on any type of fuel, including those with low calorific value; reduced time spent on cooking and maintenance; reduction of heat losses inside the housing due to the heat-insulating properties and partial reflection of the radiation of combustion products from the ceramic coating on the walls of the housing.
A complex of technical and technological solutions for the modification of technical means for food production is proposed. The modification provides for constructive changes in the heating blocks of mobile food preparation complexes. The purpose of the design changes in small-displacement heating units is to increase their versatility for cooking hot food, boiling water, and heating canned food using all types of fuel (solid, liquid, and gaseous), including fuels with a low calorific value (wood chips, straw, moss, etc.). The design provides an increase in the efficiency of fuel use due to the effect of afterburning of exhaust gases. A distinctive feature of the proposed technical and technological solutions lies in the substantiation of the structural elements of a mobile food preparation tool, which provides an increase in the functionality of cooking with a minimum calorific value of the fuel by reducing heat loss and thermal conductivity of the housing walls, increasing the heat transfer of combustible fuel and implementing the method of pyrolysis combustion of solid fuel. The developed structural elements of thermal blocks ensure their mobility, reliable operation in conditions of severe frosts, winds, and rarefied air; saving energy consumption; efficiency of work on any type of fuel, including those with low calorific value; reduced time spent on cooking and maintenance; reduction of heat losses inside the housing due to the heat-insulating properties and partial reflection of the radiation of combustion products from the ceramic coating on the walls of the housing.
Keywords: constructive change, heat block, heat transfer, pyrolysis combustion, small kitchen.