Pastille technology designed to maintain the functions of cardiovascular system
UDC 664.858.8
Bystrevskaya Elizaveta A., Zemlyakova Еvgeniya S.
Keywords: pastille technology, functional product, prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Pastille technology designed to maintain the functions of cardiovascular system
For citation: Bystrevskaya E.A., Zemlyakova E.S. Pastille technology designed to maintain the functions of cardiovascular system. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2021. No 4. p. 38-44. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-4-38-44
This article presents the results of research on the technology of a two-layer pastille designed to maintain the functions of the human cardiovascular system. In the work, the following raw materials were considered: pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) and cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) (first layer of marshmallow) and apples of the Granny Smith variety (second layer). For dusting a sprinkling of powdered sugar and cranberry powder was proposed; in order to reduce the amount of sugar it was proposed to use a mixture of powdered sugar and cranberry powder in a ratio of 6: 1, respectively. In the pastel mass itself there is no additionally introduced sugar. When carrying out research, the work used standard and generally accepted physicochemical and organoleptic research methods, as well as methods of mathematical modeling. The marketing research of consumers' preferences in the field of sugary confectionery products was carried out by a survey method according to the developed questionnaire. The study involved 200 people. The results indicate that the respondents are interested in a new product with a low sugar content and functional properties, which are manifested in maintaining the efficiency of the cardiovascular system of the human body.The planning of experiments in the modeling and optimization of the formulation of glue pastilles was carried out using a second-order orthogonal central compositional plan (OCCP) for two factors, the latter were chosen: the coefficient of pumpkin and cranberry content and the mass of pectin in the recipe mixture. In the course of constructing a mathematical model, the optimal formulation of an glue pastille called Tykovka was determined (the ratio of pumpkin and cranberry is 4: 1, respectively; the mass of pectin per 100 g of the recipe mixture is 2.8 g). The optimized recipe formed the basis of the technology for obtaining a new product, which included the following technological operations: receiving raw materials; preliminary preparation; preparation of pastel mass; molding; drying; cooling; gluing; cutting and twisting; dusting; packing, packing, marking; storage and sale. The organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of the new product were determined. The composition of vitamins and minerals has been determined as well. The product is distinguished by high content of ß-carotene, dietary fiber, as well as calcium, silicon, and copper. According to the content of those functional ingredients, Tykovka glue pastille can be classified as a functional food product.
This article presents the results of research on the technology of a two-layer pastille designed to maintain the functions of the human cardiovascular system. In the work, the following raw materials were considered: pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) and cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) (first layer of marshmallow) and apples of the Granny Smith variety (second layer). For dusting a sprinkling of powdered sugar and cranberry powder was proposed; in order to reduce the amount of sugar it was proposed to use a mixture of powdered sugar and cranberry powder in a ratio of 6: 1, respectively. In the pastel mass itself there is no additionally introduced sugar. When carrying out research, the work used standard and generally accepted physicochemical and organoleptic research methods, as well as methods of mathematical modeling. The marketing research of consumers' preferences in the field of sugary confectionery products was carried out by a survey method according to the developed questionnaire. The study involved 200 people. The results indicate that the respondents are interested in a new product with a low sugar content and functional properties, which are manifested in maintaining the efficiency of the cardiovascular system of the human body.The planning of experiments in the modeling and optimization of the formulation of glue pastilles was carried out using a second-order orthogonal central compositional plan (OCCP) for two factors, the latter were chosen: the coefficient of pumpkin and cranberry content and the mass of pectin in the recipe mixture. In the course of constructing a mathematical model, the optimal formulation of an glue pastille called Tykovka was determined (the ratio of pumpkin and cranberry is 4: 1, respectively; the mass of pectin per 100 g of the recipe mixture is 2.8 g). The optimized recipe formed the basis of the technology for obtaining a new product, which included the following technological operations: receiving raw materials; preliminary preparation; preparation of pastel mass; molding; drying; cooling; gluing; cutting and twisting; dusting; packing, packing, marking; storage and sale. The organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of the new product were determined. The composition of vitamins and minerals has been determined as well. The product is distinguished by high content of ß-carotene, dietary fiber, as well as calcium, silicon, and copper. According to the content of those functional ingredients, Tykovka glue pastille can be classified as a functional food product.
Keywords: pastille technology, functional product, prevention of cardiovascular diseases