Analysis of experimental values of molecular diffusion coefficients for pure gases in water
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-1-98-104
UDC 544.034
Alexander G. Novoselov, Sorokin S.A., Igor V. Baranov, Duzhij A.B.
Keywords: molecular diffusion; water; mass transfer; temperature dependence.
UDC 544.034
Analysis of experimental values of molecular diffusion coefficients for pure gases in water
For citation: Novoselov A.G., Sorokin S.A., Baranov I.V., Duzhij A.B. Analysis of experimental values of molecular diffusion coefficients for pure gases in water. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 1. p.98-104. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-1-98-104
The research is devoted to the study of molecular mass transfer in gas-water systems in order to obtain mathematical dependencies for calculating numerical values of molecular diffusion coefficients. These values will allow specialists in various fields related to mass transfer processes to apply a scientifically based approach to the design of modern designs of mass transfer devices. In this work, an analytical research method was used, which made it possible, based on the data available in the scientific and technical literature on molecular diffusion coefficients obtained experimentally at various temperatures and atmospheric pressure, to obtain empirical relations for calculating such coefficients in a wide temperature range. Application of the methodis justified. As a result of the study, a mathematical dependence of the type DAB = K·expbt was proposed, which is in good agreement with the kinetic theory of the diffusion process. Numerical values of coefficients K and b for seven gas-water systems are determined. The opinion about the dependence of the proportionality coefficient K on the molar volume of the diffusing gas is put forward. The obtained results will make it possible to further predict the possible form of the curve of the dependence of the molecular diffusion coefficients on temperature when studying other gas-liquid systems, and also on their basis it is possible to test new methods for studying molecular mass transfer.
The research is devoted to the study of molecular mass transfer in gas-water systems in order to obtain mathematical dependencies for calculating numerical values of molecular diffusion coefficients. These values will allow specialists in various fields related to mass transfer processes to apply a scientifically based approach to the design of modern designs of mass transfer devices. In this work, an analytical research method was used, which made it possible, based on the data available in the scientific and technical literature on molecular diffusion coefficients obtained experimentally at various temperatures and atmospheric pressure, to obtain empirical relations for calculating such coefficients in a wide temperature range. Application of the methodis justified. As a result of the study, a mathematical dependence of the type DAB = K·expbt was proposed, which is in good agreement with the kinetic theory of the diffusion process. Numerical values of coefficients K and b for seven gas-water systems are determined. The opinion about the dependence of the proportionality coefficient K on the molar volume of the diffusing gas is put forward. The obtained results will make it possible to further predict the possible form of the curve of the dependence of the molecular diffusion coefficients on temperature when studying other gas-liquid systems, and also on their basis it is possible to test new methods for studying molecular mass transfer.
Keywords: molecular diffusion; water; mass transfer; temperature dependence.