Systems of electricity accumulating based on cryogenic technologies of air liquification
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-2-21-26
UDC 621.592.3
Vizgalov S. V., Sharapov Irek I., Khisameev I. G.
Keywords: LAES systems, air liquefaction, medium pressure cryogenic cycle, turbo expander, heat recovery, cy-cle characteristics.
UDC 621.592.3
Systems of electricity accumulating based on cryogenic technologies of air liquification
For citation: Vizgalov S.V., Sharapov I.I., Khisameev I.G. Systems of electricity accumulating based on cryogenic technologies of air liquification.
Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 2. p. 21–26. DOI: 10.17586/1606‑4313‑2022‑21‑2-21-26
A system for accumulating generated electricity based on cryogenic technologies is considered – by liquefying air, storing it, followed by regasification and expansion in turbogenerators (LAES-system). This direction is quite innovative in this application. The review of works in this direction is carried out. At present, the main practical cycle for the purpose is the high-pressure cycle with liquid air cold recovery and direct flow throttling after cooling. A scheme of a medium pressure thermodynamic cycle with a turboexpander for a part of the flow is presented, as well as a method for its calculation. The calculations were carried out both with the use of the cold of the expanded flow and without taking it into account. The results of the calculations are presented in the form of graphic characteristics of the cycle as a function of the temperature at the expander extraction point and the pressure of the direct air flow. The characteristics were analyzed and conclusions about the applicability of this cycle were drawn.
A system for accumulating generated electricity based on cryogenic technologies is considered – by liquefying air, storing it, followed by regasification and expansion in turbogenerators (LAES-system). This direction is quite innovative in this application. The review of works in this direction is carried out. At present, the main practical cycle for the purpose is the high-pressure cycle with liquid air cold recovery and direct flow throttling after cooling. A scheme of a medium pressure thermodynamic cycle with a turboexpander for a part of the flow is presented, as well as a method for its calculation. The calculations were carried out both with the use of the cold of the expanded flow and without taking it into account. The results of the calculations are presented in the form of graphic characteristics of the cycle as a function of the temperature at the expander extraction point and the pressure of the direct air flow. The characteristics were analyzed and conclusions about the applicability of this cycle were drawn.
Keywords: LAES systems, air liquefaction, medium pressure cryogenic cycle, turbo expander, heat recovery, cy-cle characteristics.